Virgo Horoscope for April 2012

Virgo Horoscope for April 2012

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The roller-coaster ride continues, Virgo, and might be getting even wilder with this spring season. You are in the midst of important and far-reaching cycle of personal evolution, and it is vital that you recognize the magnitude of the changes coming down. Equally, you must not give in to imagining fearful scenarios, instead finding a way to trust in the capacity of the surrounding cosmos to take care of you no matter what. Partners have a lot to do with this. There is a complex interaction that taking place for you there, including idealization and perhaps illusion; it is tempting to put them on a pedestal. Relating to a significant other, one that after all cannot be completely controlled, is potentially scary, but could also prove to be a blessing.

As the month begins, you are reveling in the energy of the New Moon from the last ten days of the preceding month, which has increased the energy that you have for others in unexpected ways, while at the same time engendering within you the means for evolutionary progress toward your own next phase. The keys to your transformation are to be found within you, a truism of course but one that was never truer for you than right now. This is so even though you are also focused now on intimate connection with significant others, and how to regard this factor within the larger concept of your own arc of development going forward. Your ruler Mercury is retrograding through your relationship sector, meaning that you are reviewing and reconsidering that important area of your life, while Mars is in retrograde motion also, in your sign, reminding you of old patterns of behavior that might be getting in the way of your finding total ease in partnership connection. It might be that old knee-jerk reactions that stem from ancient childhood wounding are still rearing their ugly heads, so to speak, in inconvenient ways. You might feel as though confounded in your ability to fully connect in an undistracted way with partners or friends. It helps to remember that there is beauty too in these walled-off parts of yourself that act out from time to time, or as the poet William Blake said it long ago, that everything that is human is holy. All that being said, your process of self-development right now is an extremely powerful one, and deserving of your fullest thought and concentration of will, even while you are also somewhat paradoxically giving loads of attention to significant relationships in your life as well; and these priorities do dovetail with each other. You are in chrysalis now, and who knows what will emerge after the season of the cocoon has passed. With the advent of the Full Moon that takes place on Friday, April 6th, you are reaching for a balance between issues of self and other, and of mediating partnership needs versus the demands of your own transformation. You are filled with a sense of grace unfolding now, a true blessing, and of grounding high idealism into concrete action. While making the numinous influence of your higher self come down to earth and become an ally for you, you are enlisting the aid of intimate others while exploring your own transformation. The Last Quarter Moon of Friday, April 13th, is a time of revisioning everything that has come before it in the lunation cycle, summing up the received wisdom from the events that have transpired, and in this case making a move toward wholeness by admitting to the table the perspective of others without being submerged and also accepting the unknown parts of yourself. With the New Moon of Saturday, April 21st, you are off and running, with a new take on the world around you and with a new initiative to better integrate deeper perspectives informed by inner work into renewed focus on making the wheels go ?round in terms of career and outer achievement.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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