Scorpio Horoscope for June 2024

Scorpio Horoscope for June 2024

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another amazing month, Scorpio, arriving in the wake of significant activations of Uranus in your opposite sign, so that there have been unexpected events – and surprising disclosures – in the area of your life corresponding to all kinds of partnership: business, collegial, or intimate. Your habitual patterns in general have been somewhat disrupted lately, leading you to startling revelations in terms of deep-seated principles and attitudes. This shift is as real as you choose to make it. As the month begins, you are finding your way forward with a palpable feeling of life mission, and further developing a sense of your own values independent from the influence of others. The Gemini New Moon of June 6th is rather intense, bringing partnership in your life once again to the fore, and signaling a fresh start in intimate connection and depth exploration of your own hidden places. Your relationships can help you to look inside more productively, and partnership agreements become extremely significant in this regard. Idealistic images within you reveal how to be more helpful to others around you. The transformation of your own psychic depths continues, as your inner core values and family dynamics emerge as fundamental to your own unique vision for yourself, and uniquely your own.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer, together with Leslie Benson. You can reach Alea at

You meet June in the waning light of the Taurus lunation cycle initiated last month in your partnership sector. Ongoing reverberations of April's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in this sign may also have stimulated, over previous weeks, new developments in love and relationships including your collaborative alliances. Your sector of service and day-to-day environment has also been active over the past month, so that shifting habit patterns are another hallmark of the changing tides of a volatile spring season.

As June gets underway, these developments could now inform a new burst of activity in your sphere of intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. Just over a week ago as expansive Jupiter moved over the final degree of Taurus and into Gemini, this shift may have become palpable. Jupiter additionally trines Pluto on the 1st and subsequent days, so that while a certain level of positive vibes and general optimism is present in your intimate relationships, there is transformation also at work within you, and with respect to your close connections.

On the 3rd, Mercury enters Gemini and immediately conjoins Jupiter, magnifying your energetic or material ties to others. Topics of partnership conversation and thoughtful consideration may reveal themes that will develop over the remainder of the month. Mercury joins in on Jupiter's trine to Pluto in Aquarius, tying this new emphasis to evolution that is already taking place within your sphere of your home and family. Foundational changes below the surface layers of conscious awareness may also spark deeper personal and psychological shifts as you adjust to new challenges. You could find yourself equipped with gifts of persuasion now as well, which could support negotiations and well-timed property maneuvers.

Active from the 3rd to the 5th, an unusually long Venus Cazimi in Gemini, where Venus is in the heart of the Sun, could indicate significant realizations in a relationship or in terms of your own inner evolution. A deeper understanding of what you find valuable or attractive may inform different approaches to your intimate connections or financial interactions.

The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th seeds a new cycle in your sphere of joint enterprises, metamorphosis, and intimacy. An influx of ideas, opportunity, and an expanded view of yourself and your abilities could inform your relationship stance with key partners. The other recipient of the fresh start represented by this New Moon is you yourself, in the very depths of your being. Jupiter's presence in this same sector, with also a triple conjunction between the Sun, Moon, and Venus, indicates emerging resources or support from others may enable you to accomplish a desire. New romantic connections, joint efforts, and investments may also boost wealth, happiness, and enjoyment. The lunation ruler Mercury suggests that some of these assets take the form of new ideas and information, which could push you to think in new ways. This may be a period where you explore aspects of yourself, your history, and attachments that continue to trouble you with more curiosity and humor.

The square alignment in this New Moon between Sun, Moon, and Venus with Saturn in Pisces suggests potential blocks or serious lessons emerging around issues of pleasure, creativity, and intimacy. Sometime limitations are exactly what the recipe requires for completion, so that this could also be an entry point. Interestingly, the Sun, Moon, and Venus in their close triple conjunction also make an extremely close minor aspect to transformational Pluto at the bottom of your solar chart, where you are feeling the depth of that inner connection that you have there with yourself, and, as well, your family.

Mars, your ruler, enters Taurus, your opposite sign, on the late evening of the 8th, focalizing your energy and instincts into partnerships of all kinds. Your physical drives could be high at this time, and you may be focused on accomplishing a shared goal.

A square from Mars to Pluto across your influential angles of home and partnership intensifies things between the 8th and the 12th. Matters related to your living situation or family could be volatile, possibly emphasizing needs for autonomy or a fundamental disagreement. A revelation or encounter with some force of change may compel action or have you scrambling to readjust. While foundational shadows related to security, trust, or control may be stirred up, this could be about figuring out how to fulfill your needs for stability alongside regeneration as you face situations that are new or beyond your control.

Square aspects from Venus and the Sun to Saturn in Pisces perfect between the 7th and the 9th. This could align with serious consideration or frank conversations within a relationship or collaboration, possibly related to creative differences or financial realities that push you to cut back on indulgences. Situations may bring up more compulsive parts of your psychology that could undermine your happiness, including topics of sexuality, self-esteem, or other pursuits of pleasure. Your capacity to focus on technical details could receive a boost, aiding contractual matters or significant decisions that should ideally be completed before the Neptunian fog sets in mid-month.

Mercury chimes in with its own square to Saturn on the 12th, potentially slowing communication within your relationships and suggesting that topics may become more serious, and then moves through the heart of the Sun in Gemini on the 14th. The rebirth of the lunation ruler could illuminate a hidden truth or have you fixated on uncovering one. Partnership communications may be energized as you work out the details of an investment or joint venture. This may be a time when you are more inclined to share your point of view or open up candidly.

Between the 16th and the 17th, Venus and Mercury connect to Neptune by square as they move through the final degrees of Gemini and cross into Cancer, your sphere of higher education, foreign lands, and belief systems. Interpersonal ambiguities may be amplified, including issues around trust and honesty. These transits may emphasize a discrepancy in values within your material and intimate entanglements and the need to center within your principles and boundaries, regardless of the conduct of others. There is a Venus- Mercury conjunction in Cancer that is part of this, and that may magnify your ability to think and express ideas creatively, suggesting you could be expanding on a compassionate framework of understanding the world and yourself.

The Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th, corresponding to your higher mind sector, and squaring numinous Neptune in the process. This is the important configuration called, in the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice. Over the next month, your quests for meaning, including intellectual or spiritual paths and travel, could be emphasized, offering avenues for emotional fulfillment and connection.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st culminates in your sphere of the mind, communication, and local environment. With the Sun and Moon forming a T-square to Neptune in Pisces, this lunation may amplify the effects of your surroundings and engagement with information and technology on your emotional and mental health. A blend of your intellect and passions could spark creative breakthroughs, which may see you focused on sharing your ideas more widely and engaging in new conversations. Ruled by Saturn located in your sector of joy, romance, and self-expression, you are perhaps reflecting on personal codes or deep-seated beliefs and whether they restrict your self-expression or playfulness. A sextile from Mercury in Cancer to Mars in Taurus suggests that important information from a partner could broaden your perspective or push you to widen your lens of engagement.

On the 28th, the Last Quarter Moon lands in Aries, bringing attention to your daily routines, work, and health, potentially advancing matters that you have been mulling over since April's solar eclipse there. A square from Mercury in Cancer to Chiron in Aries could bring up vulnerabilities related to physical challenges or other daily realities that inhibit calls to adventure and expansion. This lunation configuration may also emphasize a lack of meaning in your daily life or the chasm between understanding and integration, where you could be identifying or analyzing a dysfunctional habit and be struggling to change it.

On the 29th, Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces. This chart sector acts as a creative center — where children, creativity love, fun, and art emerge. This is a time of intensity as far as seeming blockages, that can yet be lessons. Saturn moves back over previous degrees of Pisces until November 15th. If you can stay open to the approach of others as well as your own, this period may open space for adjustments that support greater passion and fulfillment as you continue to grow in wisdom.

Solar Return Report

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