Posted on January 31, 2024 in Scorpio
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a month, Scorpio, with interesting implications for mending your life in some quite specific ways. There is a powerful concentration of energy in your sectors of home and family, creative self-expression, mission of service, and relationship connection, all having to do with your interactions with others, and also with meeting yourself at depth. There could be a tendency to overdo in some ways that is also offset by a contrary impulse of caution in the face of excess, and in any case all of this energy is rather intense. Pluto’s having moved last month into the Aquarius sign, corresponding to your domestic sector, promotes a second or a third look to what is going on for you there, with family dynamics or possibly your family of origin. The prescription is to follow your inner guidance as you can discern it, allowing intuition and close partners be your guide. If a knee-jerk rejection of advice comes up for you, it might be well to stop, look, and listen more closely, although you must in the end go with your gut on the matter. Caution only gets you so far, and might be correct, and yet at times throwing caution to the winds gets you where you truly need to go.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
You enter the month under the waning light of the Capricorn lunation cycle initiated in your communication sector. The first New Moon of the year also engaged your relationship and creativity sectors, uniting the areas of your chart subject to to longer cycles of growth, change, and maturation, due to Saturn’s influence. There may have been sudden events and surprising enlightenment associated with your attitude toward the overall impact of relationship, or of particular partners, and this will likely continue to play out over the first week of February.
An ongoing sextile between Jupiter and Saturn in these same sectors suggests these areas of your life offer structures of support this month, particularly if disruptions in the foundations of your life emerge as the personal planets meet Pluto in Aquarius.
On the 4th, Mercury enters Aquarius and conjoins the planet of transformation there. This may align with focus on matters related to your family, home environment, and housing, now the subjects of a deep transformation process that will play out over the next few decades. Sustained concentration may be available to you between February 4th and 5th; and this could involve research into your family history or real estate, or other matters of root psychological origin. In any case this transit will give your mind something to go deep on. With Pluto forming a square to the ascendent in your solar chart, these topics also influence your outlook and identity. Perhaps you are reestablishing your individuality outside your family or domestic roles or reconnecting to your cultural roots.
A concurrent square from Venus in Capricorn to Chiron in Aries indicates inner wounding related to mental or physical health and agency may come up between the 4th and the 5th. A sextile from the Sun in Aquarius supports connecting more consciously to difficult formative experiences that inhibit your self-belief from a less identified perspective, where self-understanding will help you shift the story. Knowing how to nourish yourself will allow you to care for others, while habitually putting others first could lead to burnout or health issues.
The Aquarius New Moon lands on the 9th, and your sectors of home and partnership are highlighted. There is also energy being re-animated by the close square from Sun and Moon to Uranus in Taurus. Seeding a new cycle in your family and belonging sector, changes in a close relationship may stimulate corresponding shifts in your home environment. Another square from Mercury to Jupiter suggests you and a partner may be thinking deeply about the principles you want to take into a new home dynamic or investing in a property or renovation. This lunation supports experimenting with different approaches to cohabiting or family culture, including creating new traditions and tending to the psychic and emotional aspects of what makes you feel secure and rooted.
Your co-ruling planets ignite the week of the 12th when Mars moves into Aquarius and conjoins Pluto. If you have been holding things in, this transit may trigger interpersonal conflicts as a release for deeper feelings of anger or frustration. While you have strong instincts for what's happening below the surface, discernment, tact, and awareness of your motivations may prevent unnecessary hurt. Give yourself a physically intense or passionate avenue to blow off steam — deep cleaning your house may be particularly satisfying. Developments may illuminate where your needs for security manifest in controlling behavior or rigidity.
This part of the month could feel activating as Mars is the disposer of Chiron in Aries, which crosses the same degree as the Lunar North Node between the 12th and the 24th. Just as you are shaped by the karma of your family, so you shape it – becoming more aware of how your unconscious mechanisms play out in your current experience could help you start to shift a dysfunctional generational legacy. You possess the courage to go towards pain or an uncomfortable truth so you can understand it or let go of something you have been holding onto.
Venus follows Mars into Aquarius on the 16th, conjoining Pluto. A concurrent square from Mercury to Uranus points to the power of changing a family pattern by co-creating a new one. Occurring alongside the First Quarter Moon in Taurus on the same day, new insight related to your one-on-one relationships may require renegotiation or a change of tact around home matters, including money or unsatisfying domestic patterns. The tension across this sphere could have you confronting the realities of your commitments to a partnership, property, or place – in making something more secure, you may have to give up other freedoms.
On the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces bringing matters of children, life enjoyment, or your creative practice into the equation.
Over the 20th to the 24th, cooperative resolutions in family and household relationships or property matters may emerge as indicated by a conjunction between Venus and Mars . This could be a fun time to socialize with your family or consider ways to bring more comfort and pleasure into your home environment.
The Virgo Full Moon on the 24th illuminates the importance of your community participation and friendships, which expand your networks of belonging and happiness. Mars and Venus both form squares to Jupiter, indicating you have enthusiasm and drive for mutually beneficial efforts – perhaps you are dreaming up ways to live alongside your companions in community, working on creative collaborations, or combining resources to materialize a shared ambition.
Your creative expression, children, and life enjoyment are the focus in the final days of the month due to an unusual cazimi of Mercury and Saturn in Pisces on the morning of the 28th. It may be time to take what you want to create more seriously, even if that is a dedication to having more fun. Be it matters of children or an ambitious creative project, applying sextiles from Mercury and the Sun to Jupiter suggests your clarity of purpose and commitment to a dream can be materialized through shared alignment with another.
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