Posted on July 31, 2023 in Scorpio
By Henry Seltzer and Elodie St-Onge Aubut for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a month or two of introspection and thoughtful reassessment for you, Scorpio, due to the retrogrades of inner planets in key sectors of your solar chart. Your friendships and social engagements are affected, and as well your sense of your societal contribution and your committed partnerships. From the very beginning of August, You will be re-thinking all of your important relationships, to include business partnerships. As far as for the rest of these categories, Mercury – located in your social sector and in combination with Mars, your ruler – is in retrograde motion from the 23rd on, and severely slowing down by mid-month, so that the August 16th New Moon is especially telling. There could also be surprise events or sudden revelations in connection with partners in this New Moon timing. A week later, very nearly coincident with the Moon’s Last Quarter of the 24th, Mercury stations retrograde and Mars aspects transformational Pluto. In concert with reconsidering what you bring to the collective table, and what you take away, there will likely be habit patterns seen as somehow dysfunctional that you will be called from inside to discard. This choice is of course yours and yours alone; it also might be helpful to recognize that the message if necessary will repeat.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The month begins as you are riding the wave from the mid-July Cancer New Moon that took place in your sector of higher mind. This likely has stimulated your learning curve as you strive to better understand your process of growth and evolution in the midst of an active and yet introspective August month. Your ruler Mars was opposed to limiting Saturn at that time, and so you are steadying the ship preparing for high seas as you navigate the retrograde of Venus, ruler of your opposite sign, and the highlighted presence of mystical Neptune in your creativity sector. Romance and partnership are in a self-reflective and potentially confusing space for you right now, and your future plans are somewhat up in the air as well as Mercury slows down preparing to turn retrograde later this month.
The Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on August 1st, illuminating the part of your chart that relates to your home, your family, your domestic life and where your roots are planted. Like a stranger in a strange land, the sign of Aquarius speaks of exile and belonging and you may be experiencing some of these themes at the beginning of the month. It’s a good time to witness how your definition of home may be changing at this time and this may be due to other moving pieces in your life. Mars in Virgo form an exact trine with Jupiter in this Full Moon configuration, which could highlight the communities and the people in your life that are there to support you. Mercury in Virgo forms an opposition with Saturn in Pisces on August 1st as well so that you will need to begin sorting out all your moving pieces into a more coherent picture.

There are many opportunities knocking at your doors right now and the trick is knowing what is worth your while versus what may not be. The Sun along with Venus retrograde in Leo continue to activate your vocational sector while from the 6th to the 7th the Sun in Leo forms a square with Jupiter in Taurus. This carries momentum for collaborations of all kinds. With Jupiter in the mix during the first two weeks of August, there may be a tendency to take on more than you can handle or make promises that you can keep; be mindful of what you say yes to.
From the 8th to the 10th, Venus, still moving retrograde in Leo, in your vocational sector, forms the second of three squares with Uranus in your opposite sign of Taurus, referencing your partnership sector. This aspect could bring up a need for novelty or a desire to connect with people and trajectory that are new and exciting. Although collaborations feature strongly at this time, you may have less patience for the demands being made on you, preferring loose commitments than long term promises. Over these same days, Mercury in your social sector trines expansive Jupiter. It could somewhat feel like party time in the middle of the month’ s second week.
Venus in backward motion meets the Sun in Leo on the 13th signaling the halfway point of her retrograde cycle which is known to offer a moment of clarity especially for themes related to Venus like love, money, aesthetics, and pleasure. Since the Venus Cazimi takes place in the part of your chart that relates to visibility and career, you may gain insights into your vocational and public life and the roles you want to play but also what you want to project in the world.
The New Moon in Leo arrives a few days later on August 16th allowing you to reset your stance and perhaps set your sights on the new possibilities emerging for you, particularly in your vocation. The New Moon squares Uranus in Taurus and there could be surprise events with your relationships or surprising enlightenment. Mars in Virgo is also aspecting Uranus emphasizing innovation, technology and the exciting possibility to step away from old formats and embrace new ways of doing things within your career or your personal life, or in your relationships.
From August 21st to the 22nd, Venus in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus while Mars, your ruler, opposes Neptune in Pisces, bringing exuberant energy and passions to your encounters. Your creative and romantic life is highlighted at this time although it could be hard to stick to a routine.
The fourth week of August brings important shifts in the energy beginning with the Sun entering Virgo corresponding to your social sector on the 23rd, Mercury stationing retrograde in Virgo on the same day and the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio taking place on the 24th. The Mutable sign of Virgo is associated with the end of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, a period when things are in a state of flux requiring more flexibility and adaptation to bridge the old forms with the upcoming ones. You yourself might see that flexibility developing in terms of vocational pursuits and through your relationships. The Moon’s First Quarter also indicates a certain degree of tension in adjusting to the new cycle that takes you through to mid-September.
Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo until September 15th, and then recovering right up through to the Aries Full Moon of September 29th, helping you sort out your priorities with a focus on your roles within your community and your aspirations. You will want to give yourself until late September to assess your alliances and see where things are heading before making any major commitments.

The Sun in Virgo forms an opposition with Saturn in Pisces from the 26th to the 27th which could give you clues as to what kind of creative output is expected from you or what sort of or romantic entanglements could result. Although you may still be working within structures that have already reached their expiration date, you may have to proceed more slowly than you would like over the following weeks, as Mercury retrogrades and then recovers, to make sure that the new structures you are establishing are solid enough to last.
The Full Moon in Pisces takes place on the 30th, in the sector of your chart that relates to creativity, fertility, children, and pleasure. This lunation could be about demanding that you get more serious for aligning with what you love, as opposed to what you think you should be doing. In this you are enjoined to trust the universe to have you back, and to follow inner guidance over and above what early conditioning and consensus thinking has on offer.
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