Scorpio Horoscope for November 2022

Scorpio Horoscope for November 2022

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another significant month for you, Scorpio, especially considering the current series of eclipse lunations involving your sign. The solar eclipse in your sign from the final full week of October was significant for you, signaling a fresh start in your key partnerships and your sense of who, at base, you really are. Your own sense of identity would seem to be involved with also your key partnerships at this time. Communicative outreach to others around you continue to transform in unexpected ways as you also seek new formats for intimate connection. This month is as well a somewhat introspective time, so that paying close attention to what arises from your depths will also represent an important part of how you relate. The November 8th lunar eclipse and Full Moon in your opposite sign brings relationship in your life front and center for the remainder of the month and year. You are seeking a balance between staying steady with what you have versus branching out into entirely new modes of relating to others. As you forge greater partnership accord, your own self-development remains an essential factor, and must be given careful consideration in everything that you do.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of November begins on the other side of a New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio that took place during the last week of October and that set the stage for the first three weeks of the current month. This important reset in your sign feels like an invitation to purge stagnation and let go of any cherished perspectives or modes of being that have actually outlived their usefulness. An important process is taking place within you that may have to do with how you seek safety and stability that could be taking you out of your comfort zone and inviting you to explore new possibilities. Your intimate relationships and your communicative outreach could be transforming in ways that have to do with better integration of all the different parts within you. Change is often a slow process for members of your sign and you could have to go through a certain amount of discomfort in the weeks ahead in order to implement the changes you want to make.

Mars, your ruler, turned retrograde in Gemini just before the month began, which further colors the current astrological weather and may find you revising your allegiance and loyalties to others. Your partnerships and what you require for them could be in a state of flux at this time and you might also have to stay flexible when it comes to what is expected from you.

Venus transiting in your sign until mid-November could also emphasize relational themes and more extensively topics related to money, self-worth, and creativity. Venus could be pushing you to get at the roots of what you truly desire at this time but her opposition to Uranus and square to Saturn, active until the second week of the month, might make this task of knowing what you want less possible. You may feel torn between the pre-existing structures in your life – which do offer stability – versus an agent of change forcing you to outgrow them. There might not be an easy solution available right now and you could have to spend more time meditating on the nature of your desires before clarity can emerge.

The Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus takes place on November 8th with as the Moon tightly conjunct Uranus while forming a square to Saturn in Aquarius. This is a powerful juncture that illuminates the tension between freedom and security. There may not be an easy answer, but circumstances could highlight the need to balance your desires with the ones of other people in your life. The delicate equilibrium required for things to run smoothly right now might mean that you have to juggle with various situations and people delicately, as things may not be as straightforward as you would like. Patience and flexibility could be your greatest asset and your ability to hold seemingly contradictory desires or perspectives could make all the difference at this time.

Mercury in Scorpio meets the Sun for its superior conjunction or ‘’Cazimi’’ on the day of the lunar eclipse which may bring some form of clarity. However, the strength of the eclipse energy in these relatively divisive ways will also highlight deep conflicts within you that will have to be carefully thought out.

Following the Tuesday eclipse, from the 10th through the 11th, Mercury and the Sun run into a square with Saturn which can bring up further constraining circumstances. In this climactic month you will likely find that you have to deal with your responsibilities and commitments whether you like it or not; and these obligations could also serve as clarifying agents for what you really want.

Things can feel better as you get used to this somewhat difficult flow by the second weekend of November. This is also when both Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces form supportive aspects with Mercury, Venus, and the Sun in Scorpio. While feeling pressured by external demands, you could feel a renewed sense of inspiration for the things you really want and so it may be easier to let go of what no longer has a purpose in your life.

Venus and Mercury both enter the Fire sign of Sagittarius during the third week of November which will start to energize the financial sector of your chart. Your attention might turn towards your resources and the Sun in Scorpio forming a sextile with Pluto on the 17th through the 19th could bring a renewed sense of autonomy and control over your affairs. The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd.

From the 16th to the 23rd, Mars retrograde in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. This is an aspect which already occurred mid-October, and that in coming up again could potentially highlight complicated bonds or agreements with others. There may be some confusion regarding shared resources or intimate connections with others and you also may have to contend with a lack of clarity due to the extreme idealism of Neptune.

The Sagittarius New Moon in arrives on November 23rd, with Jupiter also turning to direct motion in Pisces and Mars, your ruler, in trine with limiting Saturn. Fresh intentions may be planted on this New Moon, especially for things related to your autonomy, what you value, and what you want for yourself. Although you could still be relying on external support at this time, you might have the opportunity to better integrate your desires with those of others in the weeks ahead.

From the 28th to the 29th, Mars retrograde in Gemini opposes Mercury in Sagittarius while also forming a trine aspect with Saturn in Aquarius. This could highlight the ongoing re-workings of your commitments and support network currently taking place in your life. What you need to feel safe and secure continues to be in a state of flux and yet your ongoing process will prove to be rewarding in the long run.

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