Scorpio Horoscope for February 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for February 2021

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of change for you Scorpio, although with a few distinct twists. Cosmic forces conspire to nudge you into toward new realities replacing the old, as the new year itself does, and as the process of life itself inclines. The astrological evidence points to home and family concerns, and as well to the key relationships in your life, and your communicative dynamic. Part of your process now invites you to more thoroughly explore your depths, where you paradoxically find the key that connects you to others. Mercury is retrograding through your root sector, implying introspection, questioning, and eventual revision of issues of family of origin, your current familial situation, and your dwelling space. There is quite a lot of light mingled in with the shadows, and your assignment would seem to be to remain open to possibilities where your had thought there were none, to act upon your deepest beliefs, and to forge ahead bravely as though with complete faith that the Universe is indeed on your side.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

You may be feeling an ongoing tension that has been building up since the beginning of the year. The emphasis is on Fixed signs at the moment, which means that you are by opposition and square at the receiving end of some of these aspects. The month begins with the Sun in Aquarius squaring Mars in Taurus. There could be pressure or conflicts between you and someone else that seems impossible to reconcile. This tension may be happening with a family member or a partner concerning your home or relationship dynamics.

Venus enters Aquarius on the 1st of February joining forces with Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun already transiting here. There is huge emphasis on the sign of Aquarius throughout the month of February, and for you it's happening in your home sector. You could be called to attend family matters or be in the midst of relocating. On the 5th to the 7th, Venus conjunct Saturn may bring a serious appraisal regarding your home or a family dynamic. You may feel burdened by responsibilities with the inability to get the time you need. You could be trying to get more space for yourself while getting tripped up in logistical issues. Venus and Saturn also sextile Chiron in Aries during the first weekend of February which shows that perhaps there is a way to attend to the existing foundational structures in your life without devaluing your own need for progress. It may be a matter of doing an honest appraisal and being willing to cut your losses.

Mercury, which has been retrograde since January 30th, meets the Sun in Aquarius for its inferior conjunction on the 8th. Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun represents the halfway point in Mercury’s retrograde cycle and usually comes with some kind of breakthrough or clarifications. You could be making progress in terms of sorting out what you want even though you may not be able to act on it right away. Mercury also applies to a square with Mars in Taurus which is exact a few days later on the 10th and this could mean that the negotiations are not totally over. You may feel ready for things to happen quickly but be prepared to meet considerable push back. Much of the astrology of February is about applying the right kind of pressure for things to evolve while also being aware of the breaking point.

In the timing of the Aquarius New Moon, on February 11th, Venus conjunct Jupiter could bring a harmonious influence that powers all your relationships. The New Moon carries fresh energy into your home sector a well, and it may be a good time to set intentions around the upgrades you are envisioning. You may have gained quite a bit of clarity in recent weeks regarding your need for space and self-sufficiency on the home front and there is a lot of traction for setting things in motion in that part of your life around the New Moon. Saturn and Uranus which are both the traditional and modern ruling planets of Aquarius are squaring each other at the time of the New Moon highlighting the inherent tension between the old and the new. This also brings up your need for personal freedom and the compromises needed in your partnerships. This first square culminating on the 17th of February continues to activate this tense aspect which occurs again from mid-May to July 4th, and from December 2021 to January 9, 2022, coloring the whole of 2021 with the difficult balance you must strike between your desire for independence and your need for stability.

The Sun enters the Mutable Water sign of Pisces on the 18th which also signals the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Pisces gradually shifts the attention onto your creative project, or perhaps your children, and your self-expression. You may be called towards more pleasurable activities after the intensity and pressure of the last few weeks. Mercury stations direct in Aquarius on the 20th tying the loop around things that began in mid-January. You may start to finally feel tangible progress during the last week of the month.

Venus also enters Pisces on the 25th where she will grace your creative sector for the next month. Projects, inspiration and romantic scenarios that were on hold may start to gain momentum again while Venus is in Pisces. You could have an easier time expressing affection as Venus in Pisces is also bringing a supportive aspect to the sign of Scorpio.

The Full Moon takes place in the sign of Virgo on the 27th, illuminating your social sector and perhaps bringing greater light to a project you’ve been working on. Your place in the collectivity could be highlighted in some way bringing recognition for your dedicated contribution.

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