Scorpio Horoscope for October 2020

Scorpio Horoscope for October 2020

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather intense month for you, Scorpio, with surprise enlightenment, and with extreme dedication to what you can encounter within. October is always familiar territory for you, although now, not so much. With Mercury retrograding mid-month in your sign, you are operating in a largely introspective mode, sorting out the answers to the deepest questions. In order to thrive at this time, also, you must learn to “expect the unexpected,” especially in connection with partnerships of all kinds. You are experimenting with new ways to see your prospective future unfold, and getting a new take on concepts of assistance to the surrounding collective. You have arrived at a point of departure from established ways, so that you no longer want to be a cog in an unfamiliar mechanism, but rather take serious part in something that you can put your whole heart into. A mystical collusion of conscious and unconscious, and of self and other, builds throughout the month to the Halloween Full Moon of October 31st, when it finds a degree of fulfillment.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

October opens with a Full Moon in Aries, illuminating the health sector of your chart and bringing to completion a process that began in the spring. In the last six months you have become increasingly aware of a need to change some of your routine habits in order to achieve greater health. You may have already started to gradually implement these changes, whether it's the simple act of drinking more water or integrating a daily exercise routine. This process is never over but you may recently have been able to find more discipline to implement structures and habits that benefits your overall well-being. The Full Moon in Aries also conjoined Chiron, a planetoid often associated with healing in Astrology. The beginning of the month could highlight a healing journey you have been walking in regards to the health of your body, and more extensively getting rid of habits that are detrimental to your overall well-being. Your ruling planet Mars is currently in retrograde, supporting the revision of your habits helping you zoom in on the problematic ones. You might want to take a moment at the beginning of the month to check in with your body and notice the small adjustments that have been occurring! This is versus what you feel may still need to happen for you to find greater physical ease.

Venus enters Virgo on the 2nd, bringing an emphasis on your friendships and collaborators. A reset has already occurred in your social sphere, corresponding to the Virgo New Moon of mid-September. This may have seemed subtle or barely perceptible at the time. However, various connections are starting to take root, as new people enter your world. Venus in Virgo, nearly all month, will support connectivity and networking efforts in the context of your community.

Mercury is now transiting in Scorpio and opposes Uranus on the 7th of October, leading up to the Last Quarter Moon in Cancer on the 9th. Things that you have outgrown are becoming painfully obvious and this could play out in your partnerships. You may need to bite your tongue to keep the peace around this time. Mars in Aries retrograde squares Pluto in Capricorn during this time, the second weekend of October. This might bring to you an ‘’all or nothing’’ attitude, especially within your interactions. You may feel a powerful need to forge ahead, break what feels restrictive, or assert your dominance. Progress can be made at this time, especially with a sense of fearlessness, but it’s important to also keep your sense of perspective. Your long-term goals may not be compatible with your shorter-lived impulses, so plan accordingly. Mercury stationing retrograde in Scorpio on the 13th is another good testimony for taking your time and being strategic in the unfoldment of your plans. Mercury will be moving retrograde until November 3rd, after which it is recovering for another two weeks, which means it's better to think before acting for the remainder of that time.

The New Moon in Libra on October 16th augurs the beginning of a new cycle of growth in connection with yourself, especially regarding inner work. Committing to uprooting some of your self-defeating patterns will pay off in the following months if you can make a commitment to getting at the core of your more unconscious behaviors. Since this New Moon is in Libra, which is a sign of relationships, it also calls for a fresh attitude in connection with the way you approach partners. It may not be possible to uproot all of your more unconscious behaviors surrounding other people, but this New Moon brings a glimpse of what is possible when you get to the roots of your own motivations. Mid-October is an excellent time to clean your literal or metaphorical closet, and purge the excess, before the Sun enters your sign on October 22nd. Outgrowing previous forms is one of the most painful and yet rewarding experiences, and if there is one sign equipped for total transformation it is yours. Once you understand what is holding you back there is no stopping you, and you may be in the process of doing just that.

The Sun entering Scorpio signals the beginning of a revitalizing period for you Scorpios. This is a time to attend to your needs and desires in the most honest and genuine ways. Mercury in Scorpio meets the Sun on October 25th. There could be some important clarifications in connection with your desires and what you want for yourself at this time. Give yourself the space to process what is currently showing up in your life.

The Full Moon in Taurus on October 31st is conjoined Uranus shining a spotlight on your most exciting partnership connections. A culmination could be occurring in that realm of your life with new elements you may have to start factoring in. This is a good time to take stock of where you are at in your relationships and with your own evolutionary development.

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