Posted on March 1, 2015 in Scorpio
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
You are playing catch-up with all your issues, Scorpio. If you have been doing your spiritual homework right along these past few years, you do get a pass. You are currently investigating concepts of service to others as a function of how you see your evolving process and the true desire that you have to shine in pursuit of the path of honoring everyone that you encounter. Your productivity is major, with a mystical component that is difficult to pin down, although causing you a flash of recognition when you suddenly catch sight of it. You are seeking the true goods, independent of ego-attachment, other voices or run-of-the-mill consensus thinking. There is a feeling of great success that is running through professional encounters and with potential partners, and you amplify this by each act that comes from your own deep center.
As the month begins, you are discovering new avenues of creativity in the wake of the powerful mid-February New Moon in the last degree of Aquarius that activated your sector of home and family, and your psychological roots, while also stimulating your self-expression sector. You are likely taking the deeper reaches of your psyche into account as you share yourself with the world around you, and also perhaps connecting to an interior mission to be more directly of service to others in so doing. This is an interesting month of evolutionary pressures and contrasts between inner and outer experience that form at the very basis of what you are currently attempting to transform with yourself. You could be struggling to articulate what is essentially beyond words, although you will find this to be a useful exercise as you further explore your inner world.
You are continuing the growth process you have been undergoing for quite some time, now, as your co-ruler, Pluto, comes to his final exact square with Uranus, highlighted throughout a month thus interwoven with themes of evolution and transformation. This aspect becomes exact on the 16th, and is active in the early days of March as well, speaking to the deep metamorphosis that you are currently undergoing. This has likely colored these last few years with an air of tumult, as dramatic ebbs and flows seem to have become your constant companions. Especially the way that you experience intellectual concepts could have shifted quite dramatically in recent months. Sudden realizations may erupt spontaneously, and yet as you become more familiar, these allow you to get your bearings in a new fashion, as you discover ways to make yourself more available to others, even though this might go against your habitual grain. Hand in hand with this rather startling new concept comes a heightened ability to connect in unique and profound ways with your fellow travelers on the same or a similar path. This also helps as you navigate novel and largely positive facets of your career and professional life.
Another aspect worthy of mention is the highlighted presence of Jupiter, found in your sector of career and public life, and aspecting both Pluto and the revolutionary energies of Uranus at the beginning of the month. There is therefore a bright light shining now in the realm of sharing your deepest gifts with the world. You are expanding to show up in a bigger way, and supporting this endeavor is, once again, that sense of belonging to and being in service to something larger than yourself. With good measure, you are learning to dive as deeply inward as you dare, and simultaneously to shine just as brightly outward, while reaching back inside for sustenance from beyond the surface layers of your personality.
There is a somewhat antithetical dynamic occurring within you throughout this month as well, because numinous Neptune, located in your sector of self-expression, makes also a square aspect to the strict and stern energies of Saturn, emphasized this month in your resources sector. Immense stores of creativity and imagination are thus activated, contrasting starkly with sensations of responsibility, or restriction, in the area of finance or other similar concerns. Your challenge lies in finding some kind of balance between allowing yourself to run free on ethereal planes of existence, while simultaneously engaging in disciplined and focused manifestation in the practical and concrete material realm that you physically inhabit.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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