Posted on January 1, 2015 in Scorpio
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a good month for you, Scorpio, and for communications of all kinds, written, spoken, and as well as the thoughts within the confines of your own mind and heart that will carry you further along the lines of your soul intention. Your psychic environment also includes a great deal of good fortune with professional and career aims that is available for you now to leverage into a broader notion of what success truly means for you. An additional focus is on home and family concerns, and the deep transformation that comes to you through this important area of life, as you evolve and grow. The learning curve that you are ascending is a steep one, and leads you to peaks and vistas that are beyond the ordinary triumphs that are called success in the eyes of the world. Yet they are yours.
As the month begins, you are feeling strong in yourself, as signaled by the opposition between the mid-Aquarius position of your ruler, Mars, to expansive Jupiter, in Leo, in your career sector. This is augmented by a close sextile aspect between Mars and Eris, the recently named planet past Pluto. This new planetary archetype seems to be involved with soul purpose, so that these aspects are particularly meaningful for you as you head into the uncertainty of an unknown year. The implication here is that you will use your powerful outer world presence as a springboard, together with recent researches into your own inner dimensions also, for making an important move toward discovering your soul intention for this lifetime, incorporating elements of both.
Further transformational changes are presaged in this first month especially, because at the timing of the Capricorn New Moon, Mars was in aspect to Pluto and Uranus in their close square alignment, with Pluto, the New Moon and a Capricorn line-up of planets appearing in your communications sector. Hence the notion that this entire month, and including December's holiday period kicked off by the recent Winter Solstice New Moon, is one of great forward momentum and deep changes as well as prolific written and spoken productivity.
The potency of Jupiter in that same configuration presages that this entire month will be a positive one in many ways for you, and that your career and professional life will be receiving a distinct boost, even beyond where these already are. The question is what you might be able to make of this. If it is merely going for business as usual, putting a little more balance on your bank account and adding to the accolades of your social milieu, you could be missing out. It is a subtle task to discern exactly what you are really up to, and where it is, metaphorically speaking, that you need to go.
In this you are aided by flashes of insight emanating from your own deep intuitional center, as symbolized by Uranus in your sixth solar sector of ordinary day-to-day events, health and service to the surrounding collective. There are unlikely situations that could arise this month that will serve to clue you in more fully to what is going on for you beneath the surface layers of your consciousness, giving rise to new dimensions of meaning. It could be that you encounter surprises and reversals that stimulate thought. The highlighted presence of Eris in this same sector, which Dane Rudhyar referred to as "the discipleship to your Higher Self," is another plus for you that could indicate a powerful new mindset taking hold. The trick is to allow yourself to just go with the unexpected epiphanies that arise, thereby empowering that deeper place within you that knows more about where you are truly heading than you normally recognize.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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