Scorpio Horoscope for November 2014

Scorpio Horoscope for November 2014

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is potentially a huge monthly cycle for you, Scorpio, beginning as it does with a solar eclipse in the very first degree of your sign. This follows a thoughtful and even introspective month of October, when Mercury began its period of retrograde motion there as well. This is also a time of highlighted Jupiter, residing in your sector of outer world activity and prominence, indicating that even as you pause to look more closely into your activities, you are enthused about your work and status in the world. With your ruler, Mars, recently entered into your third solar sector of communications, there is plenty of juice for you right now in the way of sharing your ideas with others around you. As you do you recognize the contribution of your inner world.

As the month begins, on the day after Halloween, when presumably the Scorpio celebration has verified that the veil is indeed thin between this world and that which goes beyond it, you continue the lunation cycle that was launched by the potent New Moon eclipse in your sign of a little over a week ago. You are likely still feeling powerful tides of energy sweeping through you, based on this extremely powerful event, that included a close conjunction with partnership-oriented Venus. In consequence you might have the dynamics or the intended dynamics of your own significant relationships in mind as you also navigate the tricky waters of the recent Mercury Retrograde that stationed this past weekend in your sector of unconscious process.

This has been a thoughtful and reflective time, with Mercury, representing human mentality, flowing backwards, and the subject of your meditations is fundamentally your own self-identity, how you see yourself inside and out, in isolation and in the context of your connections to other around you. There is another shift in this time of introspection coming up next weekend, on Saturday, November 8th, when Mercury re-enters your sign, the place where it began its backward movement near the beginning of October. By then the Mercury Retrograde cycle will be over, at least for now, and the lessons of this recent period will have been more fully absorbed. These could easily include a greater understanding regarding the vast internal spaces within you that have been summoned up as a result of Mercury's twice traveling through your twelfth solar sector representing the relatively unconscious part of your nature. You could be coming to recognize that you consist of multiple facets operating at many different levels of your being, with varying degrees of conscious participation. It might be said that the task of life is to render the least conscious parts of yourself more readily available to your daytime awareness. The eminent 20th century psychologist C. G. Jung certainly thought that this was so.

There are other cosmic currents that have been highlighted by these November configurations that make a chime with this rather natural pull to your deep inside. One of these is the presence in your creativity sector of the mystical Neptunian archetype, representing an oceanic feeling of oneness with all of creation that corresponds to your own inner depths. Neptune is strongly aspected by the recent New Moon eclipse, and stations to direct motion in mid-November, making its movement throughout the month slower and more intense. The implication is that your self-expression partakes of this identification with what is beyond the physical, perhaps if the form of poetry, music or dance. You might also feel the paradoxical confusion of being tuned in by otherworldly means to a place where logic alone will fail you — what Gracie Slick was alluding to in the sixties when she wrote, in the lyrics to "White Rabbit," that "logic and proportion have fallen soggy dead."

There is as well a potent non-mystical side to your experience, in this your birthday time of the year. You are feeling your social oats as you venture further out on some particular limb than previous explorations have warranted. Then, too you also have a well-placed Jupiter to bring you expansiveness in all forms of outer world pursuits. The cosmic currents are tugging at you to make necessary changes as you enjoy your success, because Uranus and Pluto are also activated in this monthly cycle. You are in an excellent position to discover and even to instigate a better notion of what you might be able to accomplish out there in the world that is consistent with concepts of service to others and your deeper attitude toward higher purpose that pulls you forward almost in spite of yourself.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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