Scorpio Horoscope for June 2013

Scorpio Horoscope for June 2013

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of enormous transformation, Scorpio, for everyone around you and for you in particular. Even for someone who makes a habit out of constantly changing and evolving through many worlds, this month could represent something of a special stretch. You have been frustrated lately, perhaps, with the presence of Saturn in your sign, slowing down the rhythm to a snail's pace. The energy has been building for quite some time and now evolutionary forces are conspiring to allow you an outlet in terms of creative visualization and by means of a hole punched through into a completely different dimension. It is your imagination that provides the key. And it is the honesty of the cosmos, rather than the mere reality mode of consensus thinking, that, in providing your own specific kind of truth, will indeed set you free.

As the month begins, you are still searching for answers to questions that you didn't even know that you possessed. You are caught up in the pressure wave from recent weeks that has emphasized the Uranus-Pluto square taking place in the third and sixth sectors of your solar chart, namely those concerned with communication and day-to-day activities including health practices and service to others. Saturn, placed in your identity sector, has been holding you back while becoming now closely connected to mysterious Neptune in your fifth sector of creative self-expression. You are therefore ready to move, although stalled, and are reaching out to others in new ways. In addition, Mars, your ruler, has begun to traverse your intimacy sector, referring as well to personal evolution, where the Sun also currently resides. The stage is set for a new pathway forward that takes you not around your dilemma but through.

Your salvation, while deeply personal, is intimately tied to others at this time. They are not necessarily agents of change for you, although they could be, but are rather the catalyst that allows your own inner amalgam to cook up and transmute into a useful critical mass that is suddenly capable of moving you along. Uranus, representing startling enlightenment that comes to you in a heartbeat, is closely connected not only with Pluto but also with soul intention, and connects as well, as the month unfolds, with the planets streaming through your sector of higher mind. A change in perspective is indicated, one gesture of figure-and-ground reversal that allows a new and different image to appear.

The sector where Uranus resides, connected to the concept of service to the surrounding collective, was termed by seminal astrologer Dane Rudhyar as that of the discipleship to your higher self. By this he meant that when the time has come to reorient yourself to your higher purpose, the key to this important transition might well reside in this sector. So salvation in service, yes, but in the specifics of meaningful service to others, or to yourself, and in fulfillment of a cause in which you truly believe.

Pluto also represents a large piece of the revolution of values that you find yourself in the midst of. Located in your communications sector, and representing destruction and rebirth, the implication is that something drastically has to transform in the area of interpersonal connection and of learning; again a new perspective must be brought to bear in order that you move along the pathway that was designated for you by your higher self, perhaps even before you came into this particular incarnation.

With mystical Neptune fully activated also, and occupying your creativity sector, which is closely linked to your evolving identity, your true mission is found to possess elements of the beyond as well as the here and now, to the consternation of that part of your personality that remains content with pleasantly superficial solutions. But you are not one to be so satisfied, and will continue to feel the itch for more and further change as long as you still breathe. It is in a way refreshing to be moved beyond your normal compass, and also perhaps more than a little scary. But it is what you have before you now, so you win when you can relax, make the best of it, and try your best to enjoy the ride.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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