Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2024

Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of getting clear on priorities and seizing the initiative for change, Sagittarius, along with energizing your societal impact and future plans. The Libra New Moon of October 2nd, which is also a solar eclipse with effects that are said to be more potent and longer lasting, takes place in close conjunction with Mercury – for mental exploration – and with the new 21st century Nature planet, Makemake, which gives it an active and an earth-oriented agenda. You are also being encouraged to do the right thing, as you see it. With this powerful New Moon positioned in your goal-oriented social sector, there is likely to be fostered a strong attitude of can-do plus a boost to your energy level in general. After this month’s ambitious beginning, its second week features your ruler, Jupiter, stationing retrograde in trine to Mercury in Libra and in close sextile to Chiron in Aries, or your sector of creativity, joy, and romance. This might reflect some trouble in paradise, so to speak, and yet there are valuable lessons to be learned in this timing. The Full Moon of the 17th is a reminder to stay strong and committed to your own unique pathway forward, as you can come to that.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

October begins for you astrologically with the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2nd, which is an extra-potent New Moon in conjunction with Mercury, that takes place in your sector of social involvement and contribution. There is thus a focus on friendships and groups that you favor, as well as your long-term vision for yourself. There is a grand trine in this New Moon configuration that speaks to a better attempt at integration of your creative spark, your social doings and goals, and the deepest and most sincere values that you personally espouse. Relationships are also invoked in the entire timing of this month’s cycle, and this could perhaps bring an important reset for things like how much you are willing to over-extend yourself for others, if that is an issue for you. Your desire to take a step back and slow down has been easier said than done these past few months and even though it may seem like the work is never done, October could bring an incentive to focus on what you want and need as opposed to what you think you should be doing; regardless of how much work is piling up on your desk.

On October 9th, Jupiter, your ruler, stations retrograde in Gemini corresponding to your relationship sector, and in trine with Mercury, plus making an extremely close sextile with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries, which may hint at upcoming negotiations or changes needed within your partnerships or your creative efforts. It could be that the suppressed and walled-away residue of past childhood trauma may come alive in new ways for review, revision, and eventual healing.

On the 13th, Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn as it enters Scorpio – implying transformation of your relationship dynamic, and better including notions of what is going on beneath the surface layers of your psyche as you do so. Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus from the 13th to the 14th, along with the Sun opposing Chiron in Aries, could also bring your intuitional powers further forward in solving current conundrums that may include distractions from inner wounding, or perhaps exploring your need to find greater equilibrium between work and leisure.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 17th illuminates the part of your chart that relates to pleasure, romance, self-expression – and more extensively your children – and this could therefore be a good opportunity to take stock of what brings you joy. The Moon is exactly conjunct Eris, Feminine Warrior for your soul’s intention, and you could take inspiration from this lunation timing that you are in some significant ways on the right track with your creative endeavors. Mars in Cancer making a dynamic T-square with the Sun and with the Moon in Aries brings your personal evolution into this and implies that intimate connection in your life contributes and may somewhat conflict with what you are trying for in your projects and your joy-filled hobbies. You might need to prioritize what you want at this point.

Venus enters your sign on the 17th, which could be a great feeling of comfort and relationship connection for you.

The Sun moves into Scorpio a few days later on the 22nd, which could signal the beginning of an introspective period of self-study in your less-than-conscious factors of your psyche and a need to tune in and take stock of your overall direction.

On the 27th and the 28th, Venus in your sign forming a square with Saturn in Pisces could continue to emphasize the seriousness of your commitment to your work and for getting things done, all work and no play, while your unconscious process still takes a central role.

On the 31st as Mars begins to oppose Pluto, the transformational circumstances that you find yourself in become more fully evident. Next month brings further intensity and adjustment although you will also find further evidence that the power to change your circumstances is in your hands.

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