Pisces Horoscope for May 2024

Pisces Horoscope for May 2024

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of expanded prospects, Pisces, and of feeling your way into a better understanding of what is required for living your life to the fullest. You are in the process of revising your attitude to your finances and other significant resources as you explore a dynamic worldview that derives more directly from your own inner knowing. While in some ways still reacting to the very dramatic New Moon eclipse from last month in your resources sector, this May month finds you refining your awareness of your inner needs and perhaps revising your attitude toward the material world itself. In many ways you are entering into a new evolutionary stage. It might be said that “mankind does not live by bread alone,” and equally that pure logic tells only part of the story of your choices now. These descend as well from mystical realities dimly perceived yet very real. The May 7th New Moon in your communications sector of articulation, curiosity and learning opens doors within you that come strictly from your own unique way of seeing. The Sagittarius Full Moon of the 23rd represents a culmination of this arc of internal development uniting head and heart as you make new strides on finding your forward.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at alea.balzer@gmail.com

You enter May in the waning light of the Aries lunation cycle, which began last month with the total eclipse in your sector of personal resources, values, and self-esteem. This eclipse also featured a powerful presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Your resources sector is therefore the site of a developmental turning point that will evolve over the next six months. These two lunation cycles, last moth’s and this month’s, which begins on May 7th, are linked in several ways, including Chiron's prominence, which indicates the potential for core wounding to arise for eventual greater awareness and integration. Adversity has a role in the initiation of this path, which offers healing through redefining your values, self-worth, and relationship with money.

Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius on the 2nd, increasing his transformational impact, drawing attention to the much slower growth it is driving at the deepest level of your psyche. Pluto's heightened presence may show up as an outside force or within your psychology; either way, fundamental change could be putting you in touch with something essential about yourself and your spiritual nature.

It may feel like things are finally moving this month, with Mars and Venus having just entered their home signs of Aries and Taurus. Venus separates from a square to Pluto in the first few days, connecting two concurrent cycles of evolution within your conscious mind and subconscious realms. This may bring mental health to the forefront or have you concentrating deeply on a subject. Note that if you are obsessing over something, it might be helpful if you can give your mind something neutral to get absorbed in.

Between the 1st and the 5th, a sextile from Mars in Aries to Pluto in Aquarius may have you forging ahead and also feeling on the cusp of change on matters related to your assets or skillset.

Mercury conjoins Chiron in Aries from the 5th to the 7th, possibly stirring up vulnerabilities or a painful experience that has affected your self-worth and security or material concerns that hinder independence. Overlapping with that Mars-Pluto sextile, this could signify a more primal fear of survival and the precariousness of things you cherish. What's coming up may relate to teaching and healing roles you are being initiated into.

On the 7th, the Taurus New Moon opens a new cycle in your communications sector of mental process, curiosity, and learning. This is also the site of last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Something may have disrupted your regular programming by altering your outlook or unsettling your inner peace. This lunation offers fertile ground for the seeds of curiosity being planted now, which may be of longer-term influence. Uplifted by the presence of Jupiter and Venus, it's a favorable time to begin things you want to flourish, including aims connected to learning and communication. A sextile to Saturn, halfway through its work in your sign, suggests you possess the fortitude to materialize your ambitions, which offer a structure to channel your energy through.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th. Your conceptual maps may no longer match the territory you find yourself in. This calls for different ideas and ways of thinking and a level of deprogramming from unexamined beliefs or social mandates. While this may challenge an old self-concept, it will awaken you to your potential. A sextile from Venus to Saturn in Pisces indicates there may be alleviation around a challenge you have worked hard to overcome, which now strengthens your sense of self and equips you with the gifts of experience.

On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in Leo suggests potential conflicts perhaps involving readjusting your schedule to devote effort to new projects or developments related to your work or the service that you give to others. Inner transformation may propel efforts to reeducate yourself or express your voice differently, bringing depth to your communication with others. This time may align with action on something that has been percolating in your imagination. Mercury joins the stellium in Taurus applying to a square with Pluto, active until the 18th, and this might increase your awareness of compulsions you carry or changes continuing to take place.

Venus conjoins Uranus on the 18th, the same day as a Jupiter Cazimi. The rebirth of Jupiter offers revitalized purpose and optimism through the broadening of your perspective and the burning up of confining ideas. Perhaps you are looking at things through a more spiritual or philosophical lens, and a new teacher or concept inspires you. Liberation from outdated dynamics or values may expand your connection with others who share your interests within your local environment or online. This may align with creative breakthroughs in communication endeavors and a generative exchange of ideas.

From the 18th to the 21st, a Mars-North Node conjunction in Aries takes place that may energize matters of resources and skill development with a sense of mission. This could relate to establishing financial independence or reorienting how you allocate your time and energy.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, signifying an emerging focus on family, home, and roots.

The Sagittarius Full Moon of the 23rd illuminates the significance of your career and public image as the lunation cycle culminates. Venus conjoins Jupiter as both planets connect to your ruling planet, Neptune, in Pisces, putting pressure on your significant areas of identity, home, and career. Something formless that has emerged in a very personal way may now be taking shape as you connect the things you are learning to what you want to offer to the world. The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, rulers of the New and Full Moon, suggests you could attract support for your ideas or a creative project, which may find a larger audience or further professional ambitions. This may also align with an uplifted state of mind after a period of depression or anxiety.

Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th, where topics related to family, home, and roots are grounds for meaning and opportunity over the next year. This may open a busy and social period in your home sphere, with important developments around family or property and changes in how you organize and participate in domestic life.

From the 23rd till the end of May, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all aspect Pluto by trine as they enter Gemini, connecting your inner transformation with this new emphasis on home and family. Perhaps things are moving forward after a period of stagnation, bringing renewed hope or lightening some karmic baggage.

This powerful air sign activation overlaps with a Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the final day of the month, pointing to the progression of changes in your perspective and new aims connected to learning and communication, which may now motivate developments in your home sphere. This may see you studying from home, learning more about your heritage and culture, and expanding your bonds of kinship within your home and local environment.

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