Posted on July 31, 2023 in Pisces
By Henry Seltzer and Elodie St-Onge Aubut for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a complex month for you, Pisces, when you are evolving on several fronts, depending on the timing of your discoveries. During the first half of August, while the energy of the mid-July Cancer New Moon is still unfolding, you are engaged primarily with yourself. Neptune, your ruler, is featured, located in your first, or identity, sector, implying that your own self-development is very much on the line, along with your most cherished beliefs and your worldview. You are acting upon your own deepest values, and also emotionally involved in peering beneath the covers of your personality, striving for a better understanding of your unconscious process. After the Leo New Moon of August 16th, and especially a week later, on the 23rd, a different stage occurs, having to do with the key partnerships in your life. Intuitional revelations and surprise events might contribute to the feeling that something in your partnership dynamic needs attention. Mercury retrograding through your opposite sign contributes to your meditations and introspection in the direction of your key relationships. The Mercury Retrograde lasts until nearly the very end of September, counting Mercury’s two-week shadow period that follows its station to direct motion on the 15th. This entire August month is also an excellent time for journaling.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The Cancer New Moon from the middle of the previous moth has colored the preceding two weeks its astrological symbolism will continue to reign over the first two weeks of August. This New Moon took place in your sector of creative self-expression, influencing your projects and the way that you manage your innovative energy. Because Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus were all aspected by this New Moon, your sense of identity, future plans, and sense of your own unconscious process have been undergoing some encouraging shifts as you also transform in an evolutionary – or even a revolutionary – manner.
On August 1st the Full Moon in Aquarius marks the halfway moment of this interesting lunation cycle that began last month, signaling a culmination of the intention from that earlier time, and occurs in your soul-sector illuminating your inner worlds, dream imagination, and inner work. You might also find yourself inhabiting more fully the places where you tend to go to find refuge from external pressures. Structure and flow have been important themes ever since Saturn entered your sign, and will continue to be as you try to find a balance between your faith in your process versus pushing the river or against the tides in order to conform to a previous conception. You benefit from staying open to possibility. If your natural ability to accept situations and people as they are have been challenged, you also, on the other hand, might have felt the need to assert your boundaries more openly. You may have encountered heavier than usual relational dynamics so that the beginning of August might make for a good opportunity to take stock of how you feel.
Mercury, transiting in your opposite sign of Virgo, opposes Saturn in this Full Moon as it prepares to slow down and turn to retrograde motion on the 23rd. This is kind of a double whammy when a particular partner or your relationship dynamic in general is a front and center focus for you requiring your attention. You could experience a heavier mood with partners or a tendency towards criticism or knit-picking, and you could also have an opportunity to solve organizational and structural issues with the help of others. If you are actively wanting to move ahead with your goals at this time, time-management could be something to which you need to pay attention. The people and the environments you surround yourself with are more important than usual right now and could make all the difference between progress and stagnation.
From the 6th to the 7th, as the Sun in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus, powerful communicational outreach could arise and you could encounter excesses of all kinds in the way that you operate. The Sun transiting in Leo emphasizes your health, your routines, and day-to-day activities, and these could be energized or over-stimulated. Venus is still moving retrograde in Leo as well, calling attention to your habitual patterns and your relationship to the pleasure of the ordinary. You could be revising your attitude to these things. There is no one right way to approach Venus retrograde in this chart sector, but you could for example feel compelled to reassess your patterns or look into what might feel like a fondness for instant gratification.
The second week of August contains many supportive aspects that can help you sort out your priorities.
From the 8th to the 10th, Venus retrograde forms a square with Uranus in Taurus for a second time since the beginning of July emphasizing a desire to do things differently or try a different approach with a recurring problem. Mercury in Virgo forms a trine with Jupiter in Taurus on these same days, which can offer a progressive influence that can help with logistical and material processes.
A few days later on the 13th, Venus retrograde forms a conjunction with the Sun in Leo which represents the halfway point of her retrograde cycle and a moment that is thought to bring greater clarity to your process. This Venus Cazimi in Leo is therefore an important marker that could give you a glimpse of new pathways emerging on the horizon especially for things related to work and resources available.
The Leo New Moon takes place on the 16th, with the Sun and Moon forming a tight square with Uranus in Taurus. This has an undeniable liberating influence and may bring surprising plot twists and unexpected information also. As the Dead lyric goes, “Once in a while you can get shown the light/ In the strangest of places if you look at it right.” This lunar cycle could give you a glimpse into new possibilities and there may be some elements that rely on the collaboration of someone else. A definite intention to deal with any trace of inner wounding affecting your beliefs and actions dependent on them might also be signaled by this New Moon, with partners coming into this picture as well. Although there is a clear incentive to move forward, things could also get more complicated with Mercury slowing down and turning backward in one week’s time.
From the 21st to the 23rd, Mars in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces could have the effect of blurring the lines for the time being between what is possible and what may be unrealistic.
The Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd and a few hours later Virgo’s ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde in this same sign, corresponding to your partnership sector. This may emphasize your need to pay closer attention to logistical issues and relational dynamics. This year’s Virgo season is colored by Mercury’s retrograde motion through it, and then recovering its lost ground, all the way through to the end of September. and although this You might have to slow down, regroup, sort out details, and re-organize things before fully proceeding forward.
From the 26th to the 27th, the Sun in Virgo applying to an opposition with Saturn in Pisces could highlight the limitations or responsibilities you must address at this time whether you like it or you don’t. This could be an invitation to slow down and pay closer attention to the details of your relational dynamics. With a little help from your imagination, the commitments you are making to yourself and to others could be regarded as sacred. Mars enters the relationship-oriented sign of Libra on the 27th and this will continue to emphasize the contractual agreements and compromises taking place in your business and intimate partnerships in the following weeks.
The Full Moon in your sign on the 30th could help you clarify your personal needs. Heading into September, you may experience a tension between your desire for autonomy and the benefits that derive to you from others, and also a mingling of these two significant areas. Mercury remains retrograde in your opposite sign through to September 15th, and then will be recovering right up until the Aries Full Moon of September 29th.
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