Posted on February 28, 2021 in Pisces
By Henry Seltzer and Elodie St-Onge-Aubut for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This month features two different sides of you, Pisces, outer and inner, with both sides exceptionally emphasized. Additionally, as the month begins, and as you are ride the wave of the recent Virgo Full Moon in your opposite sign, highlighting the fundamental significance of relationship in your life, you are also very cognizant of the evolutionary imperative of your own developmental saga. With last month’s Aquarian lineup, in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, you are exploring what lies beneath the surface layers of your psyche. You have been introspective lately, questioning every aspect of your situation, including your partnership dynamic, although this is easing over the first two weeks of March. This too relates hugely to your own personal development. Then, the powerful New Moon of Saturday, March 13th, brings an entirely new energy, supporting your commitment to your growing understanding of your own identity and all that encompasses, top to bottom. You win by including all of what is uniquely yours, from deep within, and proceeding from that basis and that basis alone.
The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The month of March begins with Venus and the Sun transiting in your sign which could help you find renewed vitality. The recent mid-February New Moon in Aquarius corresponding to your soul sector is also still currently prompting you to clean up old assumptions and boundary issues affecting unconscious process and inner work. You may be feeling a new level of clarity regarding what you want and what you feel you deserve, and a new chance to process dream realities arising from deep within you.
Your communication is also subject to some surprising influences, with Uranus there in that sector, symbolizing the urge to deliver somewhat outrageous messages in response to perceived conditions. Uranus in Taurus is square to Saturn in Aquarius as the month begins, having been also closely aspected in the Virgo Full Moon, just before March got underway. There are voices within you calling for calm acceptance of an existing plan, while other voices are urging you to jump the tracks.
You may also have an easier time relating to others and have a greater appreciation for beauty and pleasurable experiences. Venus is considered exalted in your sign which means that her significations could be highlighted this month. It's a good time to appreciate the finer things in life like music, cinema, love, and the arts. You could feel more receptive to the subtleties of love and sensual pleasures finding it easier to connect to your desires.
Mars enters Gemini on the evening of the 3rd, bringing a dynamic energy to your home sector. Your attention could turn to your family or your private life, and you may be able to get at the root of a conflict, or a misunderstanding, or perhaps be able to observe your dramatic performance technique regarding how and where you store your anger. You may also be able to better connect with your instinctual nature, allowing you to see what truly motivates you at this time.
From March 3rd to the 5th, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Aquarius for the third time since January. This conjunction may help you sort out your priorities, continuing to bring much-needed clarity to your thought process. You may not have yourself figured out completely but you could feel a solid sense of faith arising within you. You may be in a better place to ask for what you need without feeling guilty or sacrificing too much of your well being especially during the first two weeks of the month.
Things could get a little bit fuzzy on the 10th, when the Sun meets Neptune in Pisces, creating a fog of confusion around your resolve. You may lose the certitude that permeated your thoughts just a week ago. It might feel harder to find your bearings amidst the fantasy-inducing mist of Neptune which leads to the New Moon in Pisces. You may simply decide to let go of a stubborn mindset and trust the process currently unfolding in your life.
The New Moon in Pisces on March 13th is joined by Venus and Neptune promising peace, love, and beauty to even the most skeptical. There may be a hopeful undercurrent permeating the time surrounding the New Moon which brings the beginning of a new cycle for you. Even though you may not be able to see what the future looks like, you may be able to connect to the longings for deep satisfaction that reside within you and project them into possible futures. Your desire to find lasting happiness permeates this New Moon and it's a good time to connect with your inner sense of joy and gratitude. You may be feeling a sense of hope for an unfolding situation in your life. There is no need to strive or try to reach new grounds. You can sit with the awareness that all is as it should and connect with this moment.
Mercury enters Pisces on the 15th where it will be until the 4th of April. You may find you have an easier time communicating your ideas while the messenger planet transits in your sign. You may have a greater appreciation for music and poetry and feel a spontaneous desire to create.
The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Venus is not far behind and enters Aries the next day. The Sun and Venus transiting in conjunction in Aries for the last ten days of March could bring an emphasis on your income. You may have to spend money to make some or if you are self-employed you could be thinking about raising your prices.
The First Quarter Moon in Cancer on the 21st may highlight the financial aspect of a personal project that is close to your heart. You might have to ask yourself if the amount of energy invested is worth the returns and adjust your stance. Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus on the same day could bring some innovative ideas to help you think your way out of a problem or see the situation from another angle. You may be forced once again at this time to do some introspection to get to the root of what you truly want.
The Full Moon in Libra takes place on March 28th and represents a powerful juncture that might illuminate lingering issues related to your intimate partnerships. The Sun, Chiron, and Venus are in a tight triple conjunction, with Venus ruling over the Full Moon, indicating struggles that could arise with your own inner wounding coming into contact with that of a partner. Your relationship dynamic in general could be the subject of much soul searching, as you attempt to better understand yourself at deep levels. This signature could also symbolize a degree of tension between your need for personal autonomy versus your desire for an intimate partnership to fully manifest.
In this last weekend of March you may therefore feel responsible towards someone else while also trying to attend to your own needs. This can be difficult, but the opportunities are there for you to come to a greater understanding of your own inner depths, as well as what it means to be in a partnership. You may as a result become better able to evaluate the give and take of a partnership dynamic and adjust your scales.
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