Pisces Horoscope for December 2021

Pisces Horoscope for December 2021

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is a tricky one for you, Pisces, when what seems to be your focus involves your public statement in the outer world, but when you can also take advantage of important inner work in order to grow in your understanding of who you really are. What you do out in the world is definitely up for you this month, and also possesses changing elements, due in part to the ups and downs of a difficult social setting. You might also come to the realization that your outer work must be aligned with what you have going on the inside. The renewal that you secretly seek has much to do with allowing your future plans to morph and change without undue constraint, letting imagination be your guide. The transformation that is taking place with your progressive goals has much to do with intuitional information from deep inside you. At month’s end, when you are on the very brink of a brand new calendar year, new possibilities will begin to show themselves. You win by honoring more completely what is going on within you, and only that.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of December begins astrologically-speaking late evening of the 3rd or early morning of the 4th, with a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius, corresponding to your career sector. This brings your focus to your outer world statement and performance, for a significant fresh start in this area of life, which also indicates how you manifest in the world in general, how you do what you do. The emphasis of this important lunation brings an awareness of the deeper changes occurring regarding your family participation and also brings fresh energy for key relationships in your life. This eclipse is actually the last one of a series of eclipses that occurred on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis since the beginning of 2020. Eclipses tend to bring a change of narrative over a period of time. This gradual shift may have brought a re-orientation related to your career and the desire to return to your roots.

From the 5th to the 7th, Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn could help you find the right people to support your ideas. You could feel unusually ambitious during the first week of December with also Mars squaring Jupiter in Aquarius on the 7th and the 8th. Your ability for big concept ideas and long term planning could be increased. Although Mercury in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces on the 7th could bring a tendency to fantasize or not see reality for what it is. Trust your intuition and follow the golden thread, it may lead you to exciting and new uncharted territories down the road.

Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn from the 8th to the 28th, due to the retrograde of Venus later in the month within a degree of Pluto’s position. This is an unusually long transit for Venus to make, and if you have planets in late Capricorn, these will undoubtedly be affected. Venus is thus closely conjunct transformational Pluto for nearly all of the last 2/3 of December, which may unearth some deeper truth about your social circles and your feelings of belonging. Your goals and your future plans are in deep transition at this time, and there will be a noticeable connection to your communication skills and also your spiritual evolution in general.

On the 11th and the 12th, the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces , which creates some confusion as to where things are heading so best not to draw a hard conclusion at this time.

On Monday the 13th, Mars enters Sagittarius and Mercury moves into Capricorn accentuating your vocational and social sectors. This could be a busier time of the year when your objectives and social responsibilities come to the forefront and you may have to manage your time between friends, family and career obligations.

The Full Moon in Gemini culminates on the evening of the 18th, or in the early morning of the 19th, highlighting your home, your roots and your domestic realities. This could be an emotional time as the Full Moon shines her light on your familial connections and your support system. Your intuition is strong now, and leads you to new realizations concerning the inner world of your unconscious process. You also may gain a renewed sense of appreciation for the time-tested traditions of your family or your community and friends.

The Venus retrograde of the 19th in conjunction with Pluto emphasizes your transformations in the area of your prospective planning, and is also announcing a longer trend that could play out for the next three months relating to this are of your aspirations, your dreams and your community participation. Venus occupies the sign of Capricorn right up to March of 2022, re-conjuncting Pluto early in that month. Your perspectives and social values are also likely to be changing at this time so be on the lookout for this might ultimately mean for you in your life.

During the Full Moon weekend also, Mercury in Capricorn squares Chiron as it stations direct in Aries which may bring up inner wounding and issues of self-worth, including significant conversations on these subjects. These will have a healing aspect to them, and you benefit from focusing on that side of what goes on there. There may be a new element introduced at this time that changes how you approach a situation. Venus in retrograde until late January makes this period from now until February an excellent time to discard stale value systems or relationships that do not fit with who you are becoming.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st of December which brings the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun joins Mercury, Venus and Pluto which makes this Capricorn season a busy one for you. These planets highlight your social sector; your wider circle of friends and your community continues to be on the agenda for the next few weeks and this Capricorn season could also help you make important connections with new groups of people.

The third and final square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus takes place from the 18th to the 26th, exact on the 23rd. This square between Chronos and Prometheus colored the entirety of 2021, bringing a tension between the old and the new. On a personal level, this influence may have brought a deeper introspective influence that is reshaping your perception of the world and your place within it. You may soon be ready to find ways to express the deeper internal shifts that have been occurring for you.

Jupiter, planet of expansion, hopeful optimism, and abundance and your co-ruler, enters Pisces on the 29th and graces your sign until May of next year. In the opening months or 2022, you will begin to integrate new perspectives while your career and professional life will take on fresh meaning. Jupiter has a broadening influence which could help you accomplish things with a lot more gusto over the first half of 2022. Jupiter is also visible after sunset for a time, so that you can look up to the skies and make a wish on this bright and lucky star.

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