Pisces Horoscope for October 2019

Pisces Horoscope for October 2019

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an engaged and fortunate time for you, Pieces, especially with regard to career and profession, and discovering your best pathway forward. This month is, at least in part, a voyage to unknown pieces of yourself far below and beyond the experience of your conscious mind. Through the medium of deep intuition, and over the course of a rather intense period, you might be able to arrive at a more complete awareness of who and what you really are than you would come to by more ordinary means. As you focus your attention on depth researches into your inner world, and your own evolving self-concept, you might also move through early childhood wounding and attempt to come out the other side. You are also reviewing and renewing your connection to group affiliations and the societal challenges of this difficult decade. All through, you are articulating, in surprising and even startling ways, an inner commitment to act from the basis of your own values, and from nothing else.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just after a New Moon in Libra (from September 28th), which fell in your eighth house of death and rebirth, debts, and shared resources. Because Uranus in Taurus, in your third house, is closely aspected by the Sun and Moon, this trickster archetype will be greatly emphasized in the month ahead, during the entire thirty-day lunation cycle of this New Moon. You may well experience strange enlightening or or disruptive occurrences especially with regard to your communication and learning activities.

Also, with a string of transits moving through Libra in your eighth house in a square to Saturn in Capricorn in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and allies this month, a similar set of themes and topics are repeating all month long. Watch for these dynamics to peak on October 5th through the 7th, as the Sun in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn, and then again between October 13th and 14th as the Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn, with heavier changes or choices related to finances in your relationships, your friendships, or within groups. You may also notice that you are having to make challenging decisions, or that themes of fairness, karmic justice, equality or balance are playing out for you right now, especially in both your love life and social life.

The other major series of transits taking place this month are coming from the sign of Scorpio in your ninth house and directly opposing Uranus in Taurus in your third house. The third and ninth house axis is the axis of the mind, of learning, of faith, travel, and cosmic law. As Mercury in Scorpio in your ninth house opposes Uranus in Taurus on October 5th to the 7th, watch for a heightened state of mental awareness, watch for inspirational ideas, thoughts, and realizations, as well as new teachers or new learning opportunities. Then, between October 11th and 13th, Venus in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus. Watch as ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and learning engage with your romantic relationships, close friendships, or with your creative or artistic interests. You may also notice that you are feeling the need for greater independence, freedom, or creative spontaneity during this time, and these needs may present themselves to within the context of your intimate relationships and the needs or demands they are also placing on you right now.

The Full Moon in Aries will illuminate your second house around October 13th, putting a powerful emphasis on money, resources, and expenses. Because the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries, opposed to each other, also precisely square transformative Pluto, in your eleventh house, you will feel in a deep manner the intensity of this Pluto position, which has been attempting all year to move you into new directions for your life path. Given that this Full Moon falls in Mars’ home sign while Mars is traveling through the opposite sign of Libra, you may be faced with the challenge of working a difficult compromise, or of letting go of something instead of staying stuck in an unhealthy power struggle.

Finally, on October 27th, the New Moon will fall in Scorpio in your ninth house, while once again strongly aspecting revolutionary Uranus, presenting you with the opportunity for an insightful moment of greater clarity and awareness. You might be reconsidering your most deeply held beliefs, revising or amending them somehow, perhaps due to a very deep and emotional level of change you have been going through all month long. This potent lunation also suggests that a continued emphasis on higher mind, learning, faith, and perhaps educational initiatives or long journeys, will persist through the next month of November. You are on the brink of an emotional, mental, and spiritual breakthrough, which is also reflected by the culmination of your ruling planet Jupiter in the tenth house, which has been building over the past year and is now reaching its peak in the next two months.

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