Posted on October 31, 2017 in Pisces
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
Your month is sizzling, Pisces, with fluctuations in financial considerations and identity issues that lead to an expansive sense of self. You can either go with this flow, and take your shot at the great rewards of doing so, or choose to stay stuck, thereby exercising your total right to do as you will. You are likely to eventually succumb to the pull of the universe, nudging you into greater possibility and a resultant wider set of responsibilities. The continuation of inner depth researches is quite important to your future well being, transforming your connections to social networks and future plans, as partners benefit. Exploring this mystical side only adds to your practical achievement orientation, also a strong factor for you now. You are engaged in teaching and learning, while your worldview, as well as your fundamental beliefs and values, spirals into a spiritual evolution that shakes up your material steadiness, but for a good cause.
The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Gainsburg of Soulsign Astrology . He examines each planet's Sky Factors — such as speed, Earth proximity and brightness, stemming from well before the origins of Western civilization — in addition to chart factors of sign, house, and aspects.
Oh you dreamer, you imaginer of amazing things in other realms! This month there are two special events that fall squarely in your favor, although you'll need to take action in this realm, and not wait around for them find you.
November 13 sees two of your allies, Jupiter and Venus, aligning very closely in Scorpio amidst the stars of the Earth Goddess and the Scales. This area of the Living Sky is like a celestial on ramp or portal into learning balance and right use of power. Of course, power itself is never the issue, but how an individual wields it. For the first two weeks of the month, a good idea is to contemplate your relationship with your power and how you've used it, especially for the last five years (since 2012). Be honest with yourself. Has the relationship improved or stayed the same? How do you define power, and what areas of your life does it help you and hinder you? Do you like the experience of feeling powerful — or does it scare you?
While together for their conjunction, Venus and Jupiter coordinate with each other on how to help you embrace more of your power. And then quickly, after the 13th, Venus will disappear entirely from our skies for almost two months while distancing from the Earth. At the same time, Jupiter's orbit will bring him closer to Earth, as he continues brightening as a Morning Star and rising higher each morning before sunrise. So it would seem that more than one area of your life will be reflecting this theme of personal power, especially for the latter two weeks of the month.
Then at the very end of the month, Jupiter and your other guiding angel, Neptune trine one another. These are the two "Great Expanders" of the solar system. While Jupiter will be slightly north of the ecliptic, Neptune will be that amount south. This points out an interesting dynamic. In their configuration together, Neptune is the supporting planet to Jupiter: it would prescient to take material steps toward your plans or goals now, rather than remaining in meditation or relying only on your prayers to materialize them. This alignment can literally manifest magic, as long as you remain steadfast in attending to worldly matters. In other words, you can let the universe do its wonders, while you keep yourself grounded and moving in the direction you desire.
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