Pisces Horoscope for July 2016

Pisces Horoscope for July 2016

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month finds you once more facing a degree of conflict, Pisces, but with good potential for a positive resolution. You are seemingly faced with having to choose between focusing on professional success versus personal / relational development. Of course there is a middle ground whereby the one actually feeds upon the other. Your career is blazing away, with all the recognition that implies, and with an added burden of duties, judging from the continued and prominent presence of Saturn at the top of your chart. You are simultaneously pulled toward more completely exploring important relationships, and your own ongoing exercise in self-examination, which might be consuming more of your time were it not for outer-world responsibilities. Your intuition tells you to handle both ends of this dilemma, which you can do by letting your heart inform your choices in the merely logical worlds of business and finance.

As the month begins, you are feeling the shift in viewpoint that has accompanied the station of Mars to direct motion in your sector of higher mind, which he co-rules. This has implications also for getting in closer touch with your deepest intention for yourself, based on intuitional awareness that has been growing and is now poised for take-off. Meanwhile both the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Gemini are aspecting Saturn in Sagittarius, corresponding to your career sector, in perfect square with your chart ruler, Neptune, and therefore greatly emphasized. This holds true both in these first few days and also over the entire thirty days of the July cycle. You therefore have a strong and creative compulsion to achieve in terms of your public statement, and as we can see by the aspects that are equally being made to your chart ruler, you have as well an enormous drive for self-definition and better understanding of the deeper layers of your personality.

With Jupiter, your co-ruler, highlighted in your opposite sign, which corresponds to relationship with significant persons in your life, you have a strong desire to understand your deeper motivations in the realm of creative partnership. Because Venus, Pluto, and Jupiter are also in aspect with each other in the timing of this first weekend, there are also transformational changes that are taking place for you in the area. You are growing in your understanding of your own hidden places and also the way that you relate to others around you as well. As you more closely investigate what drives you in terms of interpersonal connection, you are also likely to encounter old patterns of behavior, perhaps stemming from ancient and unresolved trauma. If such things do arise, as would be consistent with the highlighted presence in your chart this month of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, then you benefit from facing these dark places within you squarely with love and acceptance.

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