Pisces Horoscope for September 2015

Pisces Horoscope for September 2015

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of confusion, illumination and a call to service, Pisces. You might discover that one or another of these predominates, depending on where you are on your own particular arc of development. Partnership is powerful for you right now, and you are also looking more closely into your relationship dynamic for clues to intimacy with significant partners and with your own deep places. You are finding yourself in others to an extent, especially during the second half of the month, following the extremely powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign. You are also looking inward, attempting to solve the puzzle of your existence as you come into better alignment with your profound soul intention. The important thing is that you recognize that the ultimate reward is your understanding of who you are, deep down, independent of other voices or points of view.

As the month begins, you are riding out the vibrations stemming from the time of the Leo New Moon of the middle of the previous month, and as well the recent Full Moon in your sign that followed two weeks later, just a few days ago. The New Moon took place in your sector of day-to-day events, your workplace, and your impulse for service to others around you, and the retrograde of Venus through this same sector has you questioning the very concept of relationship versus going it on your own, and the ways in which you feel compassion for others even as you tread in solitude your own pathway forward into greater wholeness and inner connection. All the outer planets are emphasized in these recent lunations, and they enjoin you to move beyond previous barriers of self-definition and self-acceptance.

These are passionate times for everyone, and this month, for you in particular, due in part to the Solar Eclipse of September 12th, an extra-potent New Moon in a key area of your solar chart, namely your opposite sign. This brings up for you very strongly the issue of who you are, both on your own and in the context of others. There is a paradox concealed in the fundamental dichotomy of self and other, because we humans are such social animals, and literally die without contact with one another, and yet also run into trouble when we make that social instinct our singular goal. There is a delicate balance needed where we permit the significant relationships in our lives to nourish us, and yet also allow them to breathe, in and out, into and out of close connection. The presence of Jupiter in your opposite sign of Virgo during this month, and in opposition to your ruler, Neptune, implies that this conundrum and glory of the human condition is very present for you, as you struggle to better define who you are and where you are heading. Your psychological movement is in correlation with an inner mandate for growth and change that you have been feeling all year, and that inexorably pulls you forward. Your life direction is not exactly up in the air, because grounded in utter necessity, but it is definitely in flux over these days of powerful transformation.

Your inner wounding might also come up for you in this time of intense interpersonal contemplation, as symbolized by the highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your sign. While this placement is a hallmark of this entire month, it is especially triggered at the time of the mid-month Solar Eclipse, so that, in this timing, you might want to be especially alert for reactions to arise and point the way to unresolved trauma buried deep within you, that is, the hidden places where the residue of early conditioning or wounding still resides and where you may yet heal. One secret is to silently witness the outrage or upset coming up inside you, what one healer calls, the "exquisite frustration mounting." This can indeed be a gift, because when reactivity arises, the possibility is also there, a motion away, for self-love and acceptance amidst the difficult feelings that are actually the vestige of another time and place, another hurt.

In the second half of this dynamic month, the retrograde of Mercury through your sector of intimacy and personal transformation also gives you pause. This signals a period of time, over these final two weeks of the month and into at least the first half of October, that is better suited to reflection and study than for direct action on issues that you are feeling need to change. The reward of all this self-study is plain to see, with the perspective of time, resulting in a greater and more grounded presence in the world. In the end you may feel surer of yourself in the role that you embody to others, and to your evolving life path, as you take your more intentional place on the stage of outer accomplishment.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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