Pisces Horoscope for July 2015

Pisces Horoscope for July 2015

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of great intensity for you Pisces, as you continue to explore issues of identity and self-definition. You are coming through darkness into light, which paradoxically depends on your taking a tour of the darkness first. You are completing an important part of a journey that began months and even years back, and this time around finding out more about yourself at deep levels. Your inspiration springs from profound intuitive sources and implies a new level of commitment on your part, which while it takes you more deeply within, also leads you to more fully explore your communicative outreach to others. Issues of home and family are important now and present you with certain elements of deep intuition and also of the dark and unknown spaces within.

As the month begins, you are dwelling within yourself while going for professional outreach, paradoxically operating from both a public and a private perspective. The recent New Moon now two weeks past, from the middle of June, has instilled in you a respect for your inner world that was already well underway with the recent retrograde of Mercury, the ruler of your fourth solar sector of home and family. There has taken place a considerable re-examination of family dynamics in your life and as well perhaps your physical dwelling space. Now, in July, with the Capricorn Full Moon that begins the month, you are moving ahead with concrete plans for the rest of your life although with the awareness that something deep within your psyche has profoundly changed.

Revelations and renovations are indeed still up for you for the remainder of this month, figuratively and even literally. Your home space is extra important now, and your relationship to material resources is also quite a bit intensified. You possess a luminous sense of optimism, showing up in your willingness to continue taking good care of yourself and those around you. As you call upon or tap into your own sense of unique genius and resourcefulness in financial matters, you have the capacity now to translate this into your home base concerns and general sense of well-being with more flow and ease. Where there is discord or troubles in these areas, you may be surprised in your ability to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and create more harmony in your world.

In the course of this process your wounded places may become triggered, yet you may find yourself with adequate resource in the face of having your weak spots exposed. As you come to a greater understanding and acceptance that these places of insufficiency are an integral part of you, you may also find freedom in the idea that they do not have to run your life or define your responses.

The creative expression of your spirit is asking to be channeled with impressive gusto and velocity. You could feel so excited about visions of new projects that you dive in head first, chomping at the bit to channel the beauty of what you imagine to be possible into this world. The key will be to balance the tremendous energies of the current astrological focus on your ruling planet Neptune. It is a potentially challenging task to harness this essentially positive influence in a way that trends toward compassion, intuition, and grace, without becoming lost in less than desirable realms of fantasy, or getting swept away by an illusion that is not grounded in reality. It might be best to retain your excitement for your creative endeavors, whatever they may be, while remembering that your feet must reach the ground, and while keeping a finger or two on the pulse of the practical side of what it takes to birth your dreams into concrete reality.

You are in the process all this month and year of refining your conversation with your tribe, or another sense of the collective consciousness, and you may find your visions for future involvement there have greater access into the manifest world. An important facet of this is that you occasionally stop to ask yourself why your visions are important to you. When you can reflect on what it is exactly that you stand for, and what and whom are you giving voice to that needs expression, you will have come a long way toward discovering your soul's true intentions for this lifetime.

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