Pisces Horoscope for June 2014

Pisces Horoscope for June 2014

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are participating in an interesting month, Pisces, as you make a quietly productive start on consolidating recent changes and advancing along the arc of your development. You are extremely energized now, both in the realm of personal interaction and for issues of home and family. With Mercury eventually retrograding though this same sector of your solar chart you are this month refining and redefining your understanding of how you relate in the family context, and how this activity impinges upon your sense of self. Your self-expression remains quite important to you, and is made more concrete as it evolves and your ability to articulate your vision grows. You are in motion toward a distant goal with only the outlines of your eventual future available to your inward turning eye, although it is also clear that your feet are upon the path.

As the month begins, you are riding the energies of a New Moon in Gemini from just a few days before, from the middle of the last week of May, and a slightly airy, hazy daze that accompanies it, due to a prominent Neptune. Falling in your 4th sector of home and family, the New Moon makes an exact square with the numinous energies of the God of the Oceans, which is your ruling planet. With the feeling tone of this event, you could experience a tendency to wander off into your own world of fantasy and epic dreamscapes. This is a place that your Piscean nature finds itself quite at home in, and that could allow escapist tendencies to amplify. Your mystical depths are highly accessible to you right now, and yet entering this realm can be two sided — on the one hand, there is crucial information encoded in your dreams and subconscious imaginings, just waiting to be brought to the surface; while on the other, traversing this territory can lead toward pitfalls of self-deception, confusion and illusion.

Mars at the New Moon commingles with this energy in an interesting way, as it's trine to the New Moon, inconjunct Neptune at the same time, and regaining its forward motion after a retrograde period that ended late last month. This implies the fiery planet is returning to a more typical state of outward drive and passion, yet still a bit complacent at its detriment in the sign of Libra. What this likely means for you this month is a renewed and invigorated urge for intimacy in general, with a possible emphasis on exploring the depths of sexuality or mystic under-layers of connection. This exploration of intimacy is feeding your sense of vitality and emotional fulfillment, yet the inconjunct aspect of Mars to Neptune spells another possibility for deception (by self or other.) You do well to clarify your intentions for what it means to connect deeply with another, and to shine your light brightly into the mystical depths below you, so that you do not get lost. Along the way, you of course benefit from watching ever carefully for gems of wisdom to put in your pocket.

There is a strong element of Mercury and Gemini in the astrological configurations this month, as well, so that along with subconscious realms, what also becomes crucial is examining your more conscious thought patterns and ways of communicating. Mercury stations retrograde on the 7th, in Cancer, eventually moving moves back into airy, mental Gemini, the sign it rules. For the first two weeks of June, you are more inward turning in your communications, especially after the 7th. Then, the second half of the month is good for another go around in fine-tuning your mental apparatus, particularly in regard to your home space, or psychological foundation. You may begin to look differently at your home life, whether it's fixing things up, or simply identifying where making changes could bring fresh energy. This may relate to more cosmetic matters like your aesthetic sensibilities, or perhaps it goes a bit deeper. Your home environment could be affecting your overall state of being more than usual, or your own and others' ways of being within your environment could be begging re-examination.

Mercury Retrograde periods are prime time for internal process work, and this is well timed with the grand trine appearing simultaneously this month between Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter, offering another portal into internal depths. We all experience things that hurt when we are young, and humans often have incredibly intelligent, strategic ways of coping at these times. As we grow, these coping mechanisms often remain, and become a part of who we know ourselves to be. The opportunity lies before you now to ask yourself what hurt places within you have been collapsed with your identity in a way that is no longer serving you. It is likely that these outdated modes of operating are creating limitations or blockages for you to being in alignment with the higher ideals and wisdom you wish to embody. A good access point to letting go of the old and inviting in new ways of being may be through your creative expression. Once you've identified your outdated beliefs, you benefit from tapping into your graceful ability to generate new, more spacious, and ultimately positive beliefs about yourself, going forward.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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