Pisces Horoscope for July 2013

Pisces Horoscope for July 2013

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of conditional empowerment, Pisces. Your playful expression is sizzling as is your sense of what you bring to the table, especially in terms of artistry and creative vision. You are feeling also the constraint of wanting to be fully in alignment with inner purpose as you are coming to know and understand what, indeed, that might truly consist of. Mercury is retrograding all month long through the self-expression sector of your solar chart and you might be spending more time in quiet inner contemplation of who you really are than in spinning out that overflow of personality into the world around you. As you go through this monthly cycle you will come much closer to getting a handle on a big-picture viewpoint that has both its fanciful and as well its practical elements.

As the month begins, you are feeling the heat. You are reaching out to others in new and different ways, feeling a fresh burst of self-confidence and self-expression. With your co-ruler Jupiter moving into your creativity sector, and making a trine with Neptune in your sign, corresponding to your identity sector, which is also the sign of its rulership, you are more fully you somehow and that feels right. It is interesting however to note that this is only one part of a more complexly layered story of what is going on for you in the heavens during this present somewhat fractured monthly cycle.

Mercury is simultaneously retrograding through this same creativity sector of your solar chart — considered also to be your sector of self-expression — and making several intense aspects as it does. You might find that you are stirred in unexpected ways during and even after the retrograde period. Although difficult, the passages that you are going through will prove enlightening, throughout the month. While the energy does shift somewhat when Mercury stations direct on July 20th, this retrograde period lasts all month long, into the first few days of August, when you take Mercury's retrograde shadow into account. This is therefore a very meditative month, good for journaling and for serious contemplation, rather than a time to go out and paint the town or start a new business venture.

The trine between Neptune and Jupiter is also mediated by a further trine with Saturn; this dims the experience and brings a dour sense of practicality into the picture, as well a focus and a grounding influence. This month's grand trine in Water includes Jupiter and eventually Mars, and begins with the very onset of July. It finds one peak around July 15th when the First Quarter Moon aspects both Saturn and Neptune by parallel, while Jupiter inhabits the same degree of Cancer as the other two heavyweight outer planets in their respective signs; thus a partile grand trine in Water — Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn. This strongly aspects your solar chart, so that you get the powerful message that partakes of social action, spiritual exploration, and grounding ideals into worldly conception. Another strong moment of the grand trine comes with the Full Moon of July 22nd, when Mars conjuncts Jupiter while still in close aspect to the others.

Because this grand trine in water takes place in your sectors of understanding and of your sense of identity, your 'fire houses,' and in the context of Mercury Retrograde in Cancer as well, there is also an internally contemplative element that is very important for the fullest understanding of what your life and your higher self is offering to you in this preciously present month — that is also distant and detached. At month's end you might thus be able to say, along with T.S. Eliot, "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and to know the place for the first time."

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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