Pisces Horoscope for February 2013

Pisces Horoscope for February 2013

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an extremely vital month for you, Pisces, as you navigate the choppy waters of this special period of time. The cosmic forces swirling around you have their vortex in life changes that have been underway for you for several months – subliminally recognized although perhaps not consciously acknowledged – and that are still far from complete. Personal development dominates, as well as issues of home and family. As you tread your path forward, you are searching for a way to connect your head and your heart, and obviously this is not easy. A concentration of planetary energies in your identity sector creates supreme focus on spiritual evolution as the driver. Your most important product now is your own soul-level understanding of what it is that you are actually up to.

As the month begins, you are thinking about your future plans, seeing how well they match up to what you can presently understand from inner knowing. It is a good idea that you pay close attention to everything that is happening to you, as you attempt to sort out these important matters. It is as if there were two parts of yourself, or more perhaps, and yet only one part occupies the day-to-day conscious reality of facts and events, while the rest, although vital, is mysterious and vague. This second part of yourself is difficult to comprehend from within the automatic blinders of modern society but whatever you can make out will stand you well as you progress with your life mission.

Several astrological factors are coming into play with each other right now in support of inner work, and amongst these are the Sun in your sector of dreams and unconscious process, at least for the first two thirds of February. You might find yourself only half in touch with the world as you perceive it through your five ordinary senses. Then, too, by the last week of the month, Mercury will retrograde through your sign, thus symbolizing a predilection for an inward looking mentality.

Your co-ruler Jupiter is also highlighted in your fourth sector of home and familial concerns, which is another place in your solar chart that is oriented to feelings rather than logic, which corresponds to your natural tendencies. You might be experiencing a renaissance in family connection or regarding your dwelling space.

Saturn is also powerfully configured in your solar chart at this time, and resides in yet another water sign, namely Scorpio. Since it is also occupying your sector of higher mind activity and travel, there could be a strong focus there that, while slowing you down, will lead you to eventual mastery.

With Mars as well as Chiron and Mercury dancing through your identity sector, it is an active month for you, and one during which inner trauma may come more fully into the light of consciousness. While the appearance of internal complexes can seem troubling, it is of benefit to acknowledge their actual presence in your underground world so that they will no longer be prone to exerting an influence on your behavior that is unexpected and little understood. In general this is an important month to let yourself in for whatever comes along, trusting that you are in the hands of a benevolent universe and that everything will in the end come out for the highest.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 3rd, you arrive at an even more thoughtful period of time, one of reassessing these recent weeks that have elapsed since the mid-January New Moon, and taking a large-picture viewpoint of what is going on with you. Saturn, emphasized again at this time, brings a sense of limitation but also a concentration of your powers of analysis and understanding. This lunar phase is in any case one of attempting to take some necessary seed of wisdom forward into the next stage.

The Aquarius New Moon a week later takes place on late Saturday evening, February 9th, in your twelfth sector of dream worlds and unconscious process, and confirms in you a sense of destiny unfolding. As much as this matters to your outer world, this feeling comes to you instead through the deep and misty reaches of inner realms. You are filled with active energy now as well, and it is possible that reactivity could arise, or along with bursts of activity, sudden recognition of old wounds coming to the light of day. You are simultaneously feeling intensely inward at this time, and process-oriented, as you seize a strong moment for the exploration and intensification of important inner work that you need to be doing.

With the First Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 17th, might be a time when these issues of internal wounding come to a crux. You are running up against a fundamental barrier of some kind and attempting to batter your way through it, but it might be better to apply a kind of spiritual jujitsu whereby the question itself is changed instead of answered. Brilliant ideas are available to you at this time and unexpected solutions might appear to make a way appear before you where there was seemingly none.

The Full Moon of Monday, February 25th, taking place in your opposite sign, is another intense lunation that emphasizes all these issues and encourages reaching out for a balance point between the horns of the dilemma. Partners are helpful now, all through what turns out to be yet another climactic month, in providing a different viewpoint on the same issues that you have been going around with and working on. As you celebrate your birthday time it's an exciting new phase that awaits you in the year to come.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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