Pisces Horoscope for July 2012

Pisces Horoscope for July 2012

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are recreating yourself once again, Pisces. Your feelings are getting stronger in support of a better future for yourself. The question remains of how to get there, and you are refining your approach during this important monthly cycle. Over these past few months you have been through the wringer, not once but many times, and are ready to reexamine your experience in a new light. The painful places within your psyche that you have been exploring lately could become a powerful ally in seeing your way through to a different starting point, and leading to a different outcome. Partners might also come to be of important service to you in determining your actual destiny, which might turn out to be quite different than any that you had previously imagined.

As the month begins, you are getting straight who you really are and where indeed it is that you are truly headed. Of course there are many different answers to these questions as you go through life; you might even say that you could admit to a different answer each and every day. But in the case of this powerful and transformative year, a qualitatively different question has emerged for you – and this therefore engenders an entirely different set of answers that must be sought. This year is a time of redefinition, down to your core principles of your psychological security that gives you the feeling of home base. Through many vicissitudes you are in the process of coming to a new basis for security that has a wider scope. You are fortunate in this regard even as you recognize that you are in a process of change, for even though the comfort of a static arrest of motion is not in the cards for you, you can at least take some degree of comfort in the fact that the future is unfolding for you as it should. Your values and even your financial backing has been subject to surprising ups and downs, and there are group identities that you have long felt a part of that did not however quite suit this emerging personality of yours, and you find that now these older ties must go. They are a straight-jacket to your expanding consciousness and like the shirt of the mighty growth of a superhero's chest as he gets ready to launch into action, they will turn into rags when your adventure truly begins.

With the Full Moon of Tuesday, July 3rd, you are coming to a state of balance in the need to be reaching out and as well to refrain from fully leaving your own center. Your focus now lies in finding that true north to which you are magnetized, so that you might be able to see your way clear and with less confusion. There are parts of yourself that have been for some time now underdeveloped, and relatively unconscious, and these are slowly coming forward into the light of your more conscious understanding. This might even involve ancient trauma that has long been unresolved. Early wounding can leave residue that becomes walled off and unknown to our more readily accessible conscious understanding. We can see these parts of ourselves perhaps only by glimpsing discordant behavior that gives us pause, out of the corner of the eye as it were. This is the value of events that come up as surprises and that stress you out a little, as long as you can have the faith to see these experiences open-eyed, and this is one important benefit of this time for you, that you become more whole by absorbing and integrating these experiences. The Last Quarter Moon taking place on Tuesday, July 10th, represents a time of mulling over these and other events from the past three weeks with the idea of understanding them more fully and taking an important stand for yourself. You are refining your concept of where to go inside yourself for the healing that needs to happen, and for coming to a life process that engenders this sense of wholeness. When Mercury Retrogrades on the following weekend, on Saturday, July 14th, it brings you to a meditative place that intensifies this process. Then, the New Moon of Wednesday, July 18th gives you fresh energy for your quest, and unlocks doors that have been difficult to budge in the past, hopefully not too forcefully for you to handle. The First Quarter Moon of Thursday July 26th is also extremely powerful in giving you an extra push toward your ultimate goal. This is in many ways an climactic month of change, a huge wave that if you are willing you can surf toward a new and dizzying horizon, opening up vast uncharted territories within your soul.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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