A Taurus New Moon of Transformational Awareness

A Taurus New Moon of Transformational Awareness

Friday's New Moon in mid-Taurus is exciting, in that it makes a grand trine in Earth with Jupiter in mid-Virgo and Pluto in mid-Capricorn, while these important planets are each involved in other multi-layered and interconnected declinational configurations of their own; Jupiter with Uranus and Neptune, Pluto with retrograde Mars, Saturn and Uranus. Meanwhile the...

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Mercury Retrograde Spring 2016

Mercury Retrograde Spring 2016

Important Dates and Aspects: Mercury Stations Retrograde on April 28 at 10:20am PDT at 23º36 Taurus - Similar degree as Eris/Uranus in Aries, & Chiron in Pisces Recent New Moon conjunct Mercury - May 6 at 7:10pm PDT Sun conjunct Mercury & Transit of Mercury - May 9 at 8:12am PDT - Takes place when Mercury's orbit passes between the Sun and the...

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A Full Moon of Darkness and Light

A Full Moon of Darkness and Light

Thursday late evening's Scorpio Full Moon, coming along in the small hours of Friday morning for the East Coast and Europe, is another intense configuration. This is largely due once again to the powerful outer-planet presences that have been featured in almost every recent lunation. In particular, within a couple of degrees of 21-plus of their respective signs, we...

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Happy Taurus Season!

Happy Taurus Season!

On April 19th, 2016, the Sun moves into the sign of Taurus! Here's some information about this astrological archetype: Taureans revel in the pleasures of life. They crave the security and comfort of relaxing in the warmth of their home environment. They value the senses and the enjoyment of material things. Taureans are likely to work hard to make their...

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A First Quarter Moon of Launching Out and Staying Quiet

A First Quarter Moon of Launching Out and Staying Quiet

Wednesday evening's First Quarter Moon in the Moon's own sign of Cancer brings up the quiet side of all of us, while at the same time Mars in aspect to the Sun and Moon is slowing down and preparing to station to retrograde motion this coming Sunday. In addition, slow and stodgy Saturn is also strongly placed. All these factors seem to indicate that we are stopped...

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