A Leo New Moon of Authentic Radiance

A Leo New Moon of Authentic Radiance

Imagine a Lion sauntering proudly amidst their pride, emanating a sense of primal magic, and the magnetic wisdom of their regal nature. As the New Moon of early morning August 8th takes place, at 16+ degrees of Leo, so too may we call upon the attributes of the Lion to help us radiate our inner light. Due to outer planet connections, this New Moon stands out in...

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A Full Moon of Dynamism and Contribution

A Full Moon of Dynamism and Contribution

The Aquarius Full Moon, taking place on July 23rd at 7:37 p.m. Pacific Time shines a brilliant light into our world this weekend. When the Moon is Full in Aquarius, it means that the Sun is in the opposite sign of Leo, where it is most at home. With the Moon in Aquarius we find an emphasis on a future-oriented mindset, technology, and innovation. It turns our eyes...

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A First Quarter Moon of Transformation, Action, and Illusion

A First Quarter Moon of Transformation, Action, and Illusion

The First Quarter Moon taking place on Saturday, July 17th, is a rather interesting lunation, being the opening square with the Moon in the same degree of Libra as the Sun is in Cancer, 25 degrees of Cancer, and with the Sun also in partile opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. The impact of this dynamic quarter Moon configuration is huge, since it aspects several...

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A New Moon of Consolidation and Active Relationship

A New Moon of Consolidation and Active Relationship

Friday evening’s Cancer New Moon taking place at about 6 pm on the west coast, later for the east coast and Europe, marks an important time of transition from the previous rather difficult June cycle that began with a solar eclipse, from June 10th, and also featured the weeks-long retrograde of Mercury through its own sign of Gemini, and as well the...

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A Capricorn Full Moon of Integration and Growth

A Capricorn Full Moon of Integration and Growth

This Full Moon, taking place in Capricorn in the mid-day timing of June 24th on the west coast and later in the afternoon for the east coast and Europe, illuminates and brings to fruition the lessons of the recent Eclipse Season. This means that what has occurred since the Lunar Eclipse of May 26th, and the Solar Eclipse of June 10th are coming into a peak moment...

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