A September Month of Reflection and Revelation

A September Month of Reflection and Revelation

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The month of September kicked off with the potent Virgo New Moon of late August, just a few days before the month actually began, that initiated a new thirty-day lunation cycle covering most of September. This New Moon took place at 4 degrees of the sign, with the Sun and Moon in partile or same-degree square with Mars in Gemini. With so much Mars in the picture, and in an air sign, we would expect there to be tons of energy around discussions, and close interpersonal communication. Also featured in this New Moon is the lovely Venus, relationship planet symbolizing as well artistic and aesthetic responses to life. Venus is located at 19 Leo and closely opposed to Saturn in Aquarius. This opposition makes an almost perfect T-square with Uranus in Taurus, which is additionally a Venus-ruled sign. Art, aesthetics, and relationship as powerful and inspirational themes are therefore off and running right from the very beginning of the month, and surprise events along with unexpected revelations are once again indicated.

Then, too, Mercury is slowing down, preparing for its retrograde station on September 9th. For the last three weeks of September, Mercury moves backward through early Libra and edges into late Virgo before stationing to direct motion on October 2nd. These weeks are therefore of a more introspective temperament, concerned with reviewing, questioning, and revising what has gone before. We might find ourselves rethinking aspects of our relationship with important others in our life. We are also undergoing the continued square between Saturn and Uranus, heading for its mid-October peak. This indicates a push-pull of conservative and progressive attitudes for September – and indeed the entire fall period – when we will feel inspired to go all-out for what we want to experiment with, no matter how risky, coupled with a conservative holding back from experimentation that will also represent another keyword for the September month.

And, as we re-think the meaning of relationship and other matters for our life purpose, we might find ourselves reviewing environmental commitment as well. This is because when Mercury stations in early Libra, it closely conjuncts Makemake, the new Nature planet beyond Pluto. This pair is opposed by Jupiter, still retrograde in early Aries, magnifying the effects. My research has shown Makemake to represent an activist agenda, and this will affect nearly everyone. We do seem in recent weeks to be more fully engaged with renewed environmental action. As a population we seem to be involved as well with protests in opposition to altered abortion rights in America. Makemake is one of two new KBO planets besides Eris that were officially named in 2006 and 2008, the other one being Haumea. These have similar orbital periods, and they both seem to reference environmental consciousness as well as profound connection to Nature. Makemake is also parallel to Pluto, while Haumea participates in an ongoing T-square with Eris in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. The prominence of these two KBO planets in recent lunations has made me think that environmental and social activism will reach new highs during this latter half of 2022. This is perhaps a logical enough conclusion, given the world situation and the recent supreme court ruling against a woman’s right to choose. In keeping also with prominent Eris, it is indeed up to each one of us to advocate with our actions for what we believe is right, our own internal bottom-line response to outer world events.

As far as further reflections on the mundane astrology of this fall period there is the resurgence of the cataclysmic square between Saturn and Uranus, extremely highlighted in the lunar eclipse. This is coincident with the US mid-term elections with the heightened collision of conservative (Saturn) and progressive forces (Uranus) that form its rather intense background.

With all the chaos in the news and perhaps as well within our hearts and minds, it is important to remember that – come what may – it is indeed up to each one of us. Each of our own individual actions that we can take s incredibly important now, supporting the whole. If you are an American reading this, do remember to register early and to be prepared to vote in November!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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