Libra Horoscope for February 2024

Libra Horoscope for February 2024

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another quite interesting month for you, Libra, when the most important events might be taking place on the inside. You have in fact been actively engaged in inner work since the middle of January. Important changes have likely taken place, as Mercury has forged deeper into your fourth solar sector, relating to a strong domestic focus, with Venus, your ruler, joining. Pluto has entered your sector of creative self-expression. Your deepest principles must now be your guide. With the Aquarius New Moon of February 9th, featuring the Sun having joined Pluto there, you are in one way graduating to a new stage with your creativity and the productions of strictly your own internal agenda, and yet perhaps simultaneously questioning yourself as you do so. This is an expansive time. You are undergoing extreme transformation in this area and might simply have to surrender to it. This issue becomes somewhat more problematic as the month unwinds, and as you seek resolution. The Virgo Full Moon on the month’s final weekend can act as a balm to your spirit and signal a new level of integration as you include deep purpose and unconscious process more fully into your conscious awareness.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

Your foundational structures remain the epicenter of the first eight days of February as the Capricorn lunation cycle seeded last mid-month in your sphere of home and family continues to evolve. This could involve family dynamics, alterations to your dwelling space, or root psychological issues involving your family of origin. The prominence of Jupiter and Uranus in your intimacy sector also implies a certain degree of excitement and surprise taking place in this significant area of your life, to include going deeper into your own hidden places. It could be that some form of inner wounding has interfered with enjoying the fullness of your existing relationships, or perhaps has been a challenge that you have had some success in surmounting. There will in any case likely be further ramifications of this as the February month continues to unfold.

What is also significant within this monthly cycle are engaging slower-moving transits taking place in Taurus and Pisces, signaling the potential for shake-ups in your sector of joint enterprises, intimacy, and personal transformation. Possible issues within your sector of health and daily work can also come up. These two areas of your chart remain important throughout the month.

Pluto's recent ingress into Aquarius, representing your sphere of creativity, joy, and romance, is also an item in your current astrology. This factor is amplified by the entrance of Mercury into Aquarius on the 4th and its conjunction with Pluto there, lasting until the 6th. While it may take time for the full implications of Pluto's shift to become evident, a process of transformation around self-expression and sensual satisfaction may unleash significant creative power. Your mind wants to go deep under a Pluto- Mercury transit – an absorbing creative project, romantic connection, or children may be the topic of much thought.

A concurrent square from Venus in Capricorn to Chiron in Aries indicates you may be contemplating early foundational experiences and the modeling you received about love and relationships. While inner wounding related to rejection, independence, or trust may arise, a sextile from the Sun offers the healing power of feeling seen or loved by others. Creative pursuits also offer avenues to engage with pain and strengthen your sense of self.

The Aquarius New Moon lands on the 9th, electrifying your creativity sector still further. The Sun and Moon also form a close square to lunation ruler Uranus, in Taurus. This lunation therefor carries a gestational potency, emphasizing the creative process of bringing something into the world. The square from Mercury to Jupiter in Taurus that is also active in this New Moon indicates considerations around intimate partnerships and investments likely relate to things that bring you pleasure. The connection between your sectors of self-expression and personal transformation is highlighted. Endings may take place and leave you free to explore new connections or ambitions. A sextile between Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces indicates the results of daily perseverance in matters of health and work may now emerge as deeper shifts in your psychology or allies who want to invest in your vision.

The sector of your chart relating to creative self-expression remains highlighted throughout the month as the remaining personal planets follow the Sun and Moon into Aquarius.

On Monday the 12th, Mars' ingress into Aquarius and conjunction with Pluto ignites the week. You have significant energy and endurance on hand – an intense physical outlet for release may prevent outbursts of anger.

By the 16th, your ruling planet, Venus, follows suit. The planets of love and war meeting with Pluto, the planet of underworld journeys, points to the creative force of your subconscious drives, fears, and desires. As the pioneer of improvisational theatre, Keith Johnstone wrote, "The best ideas are often psychotic, obscene, and unoriginal." Whether to loosen constraints to self-expression or engage with more complicated parts of yourself, there is value in aiming for truth and spontaneity over quality or originality. While shadows around your pursuit of pleasure may arise, intense feelings of passion or aversion may act as a trailhead to deeper self-understanding or motivate action.

A concurrent square between Mercury and Uranus suggests you may feel increasingly intolerant to things that curtail freedom, including your own patterns and insecurities. These transits also point to the necessity of finding relief amid crisis or grief, where leaning into the parts of life that bring happiness or pleasure may help you reestablish a connection to living as you navigate a heavy process.

Chiron's conjunction with the Lunar North Node from the 12th to the 24th is also a factor here, and much may emerge through relationship dynamics that have either reached their expiry stage or have demonstrated themselves ready for a new beginning. Your heightened emotional sensitivity and insight at this time may help you reorient to past hurts that continue to inform your present connections.

On the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces, signaling an emerging focus on work and health routines.

From the 20th to the 24th, a conjunction between Venus and Mars in Aquarius suggests these shifts may give way to internal cooperation about what you want or liberate your creative energy. This may be a particularly fruitful and enjoyable time, be it related to children, personal projects, or socializing. Both planets form applying squares to Jupiter as they separate, suggesting joint acquisitions, a new or rekindled sexual connection, or a lucrative alliance.

The Full Moon in Virgo, your sector of unconscious process, takes place on the 24th with the Sun opposed in your sector of health and life management. This illuminates the important connection between creativity and the unconscious. Your dreams, spiritual practices, and intuitive visions may be an untapped source of inspiration. A process-oriented approach may bring more joy to your creative ambitions and support your holistic well-being.

The cazimi of both Mercury and Saturn in Pisces on the 28th further emphasizes your realms of the day-to-day in the final days of the month. This may align with a sense of positivity or accomplishment within your daily tasks, where illness or other obstacles you have been struggling with give way to vitality. Clarity of purpose may see you reorganizing your time to prioritize what you are inspired by. You leave the month under applying sextiles from Mercury and the Sun to Jupiter, suggesting something you have devoted significant effort to may now bring tangible gains.

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