Posted on July 31, 2023 in Libra
By Henry Seltzer and Elodie St-Onge Aubut for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is another consequential and rather introspective month for you, Libra. You find yourself looking to the inside over a protracted period, into September, as presaged by the retrogrades of your ruler, Venus through your social sector, right from the very beginning of August, , and as well the upcoming Mercury Retrograde through your sector of dream imagination and unconscious process. The timing there is from mid-month, with Mercury’s actual station retrograde on the 23rd, to mid- to late September for when it finally escapes the shadow period. Then too, with Chiron, The Wounded Healer, prominent in this month’s lunations, you have an excellent opportunity to further deal with inner wounding, the residue of undigested childhood trauma and early conditioning that may close you off from embracing your most authentic self. Looking to the inside, as you are prompted to over these next few weeks of these inner planet retrogrades, if you are willing to pay close attention to everything that is going on inside of you, might allow you to more fully integrate unconscious elements of your personality and to work through issues of inner wounding. You might find that the Leo New Moon of August 16th is quite productive in this way, as Mercury slows down and as surprise revelations abound.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
As the month begins you are riding the wave from the recent mid-July Cancer New Moon in your vocational sector, which continues to play out over the first half of the present month of August. New career moves might still be unfolding, as also surprises loom in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. Relationship is up for you and involves the deepest part of your psyche. Venus, your ruling planet has been moving retrograde in the sign of Leo, corresponding to your sector of friends, groups, plans, and social contribution, since the 22nd of July which may have been emphasizing your allegiance to certain people, ideas, communities and future visions and also to what you want to get out of and to put into your societal connections. You may have been feeling like a survivor as you succeed in focusing on your personal goals and interests in the context of this group activity.
The Aquarius Full Moon takes place on the 1st of August, and highlights your creative and romantic life. The ways in which you try to integrate your personal visions into the whole culminates in some ways at this time and this could bring you greater insight into what you have managed over past cycles to birth into reality.
Logistics also feature prominently at the beginning of August as Mercury in your social sector forms an opposition with Saturn in Pisces. Your desire to go with the flow and trust in your process could be working for certain aspects in your life and you may also have to push the envelope to meet some of your challenges. Your organizational mind could be working overtime especially for things related to your immediate circumstances. Simplifying your process could help you streamline your schedule and leave room for improvisation; you may benefit from refraining to get caught up in the details and instead begin leaving out for now the nonessentials.
From the 6th to the 7th, the Sun in Leo forms a square with Jupiter in Taurus emphasizing your collaborations and contractual agreements. Things could be in a state of flux at this time as your allegiance and loyalties to certain persons or groups of people changes.
From the 8th to the 10th, Venus in Leo moving backwards forms the second of three squares to Uranus in Taurus. This may emphasize a need to break free from limiting agreements or relationships although you must be also aware that there may not be an immediate solution in sight. Mercury in Virgo forms a trine with Jupiter in Taurus on these same days, indicating that there are things in the works behind the scene; you may also have to let things simmer a bit longer however for the time being.
Venus retrograde conjuncts the Sun in Leo on August 13th, which signals the halfway point of her retrograde cycle when Venus’s significators come into focus and get clarified in some ways. Things pertaining to partnerships, love, desires, creativity and pleasure have a chance to get purified on the ‘’solar throne’’ as Venus conjoins the Sun.
On the 16th, the New Moon in Leo signals a more concrete emergence of the new shapes taking form in your life. With Uranus in Taurus forming a tight square to the New Moon, this is an invitation to stay flexible and keep an open mind especially in your relationships with others. Your close collaborators and even yourself may be learning to individuate in new ways at this time which requires a delicate balance between commitment and freedom. The reset necessary to live more authentic relationships demands that you leave room for improvisation and the space that each party of necessity requires without burning bridges.
As Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces from the 21st to the 23rd, appearances could be deceiving. Relationships in your life might seem confusing or take on an idealized or spiritual air. If you are unsure of how you feel at this time, it might be good to let things settle in and for the time being accept what is.
The fourth week of August also brings an important shift of focus in the energy, beginning with the Sun entering Virgo on the 23rd and also with Mercury’s station to retrograde motion on the 23rd. This signals the beginning of a more introspective period for you, lasting through to nearly the end of September when you take into account Mercury’s recovery passage through its retrograde shadow period. The Mutable sign of Virgo is associated with the end of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and is a time of things of flux requiring more flexibility and adaptation to bridge the old forms with what is upcoming. Mercury stations to direct motion in mid-September which is one highlight of the retrograde period, and finally straightens out with the Aries Full Moon of September 29th. This next month will help you to reflect on your priorities and ultimately sort them out. You will want to be aware that it will also take some time to tune to what your internal compass is wanting to tell you.
From the 26th to the 27th, the Sun in Virgo forms an opposition with Saturn in Pisces This takes place on your mind-body axis and emphasizes the need to tend to both your inner and outer worlds. It's a good time to deal with accumulated stress from the first half of the year by adjusting your diet and your daily habits.
The Pisces Full Moon in arrives on the 30th and may highlight the contrast between active and passive modes of being as well as the need to rest and find an equilibrium between both of these modalities.
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