Libra Horoscope for August 2016

Libra Horoscope for August 2016

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of inspiration for you, Libra. You are on point to matter to the world around you, beginning by addressing your personal corner of it. You are changing at the very core of your being, a months-long journey now entering into a new phase. You are filled to the brim with brilliant ideas and seeking the traction to place them into action. This is as a way to effect broader transformation, spreading out from your own life just as the glimmer of one candle begins to diminish the darkness. You might feel a partial shutdown with communication to peers and favored partners, and yet this gives you the necessary internal compost to encourage private understanding and soul growth. By month's end you will come out to everyone around you far more energetically, and be strongly placed to make a real difference, for yourself and others.

As the month begins, you are feeling the urge to forge new prospective pathways for yourself, as symbolized by the presence of the Sun and Venus in your sector of societal involvement. Uranus and Saturn are highlighted as well, encouraging you to think outside of the box and fostering serious commitment for your communicative impulse to share your ideas. With the powerful New Moon of the next day, Tuesday, August 2nd, these factors are even more greatly emphasized, along with numinous and shifty Neptune, so that there are at least two sides to your current viewpoint, with both mystical and practical elements being brought forward. You who love balance will want to allow for some of each, a good plan, and must beware as well the downside of each: with Saturn it is holding too strongly to ideas that have gotten way beyond their shelf life; while with Neptune it is a cloud of rosy optimism that can with its glow allow you to forget that key factors might be missing. This sense of idealism associated with Neptune is a positive thing, as long as it, too, is allowed some breathing room. You will do well with this combination if you can temper your negativity with optimism and your illusions with reality checks.

In other ways as well you are in for something of a wild ride this month, especially in the timing of the mid-month Full Moon eclipse, as the transformational impulse that has been percolating through your awareness for many months now comes to something of a head. Partners raise interesting questions that lead to further digressions from any pre-formulated script that you might have had in mind, and yet offer new inputs to your process when you can stay open to all your possibilities. By staying loose, you are better prepared for a rocking boat than when you are tied down to only one fixed viewpoint.

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