Libra Horoscope for May 2014

Libra Horoscope for May 2014

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your transformation continues, Libra, with some new wrinkles, over the course of yet another inspirational month. There have been subtle shifts within you — through recent epiphanies — that require working out in practical detail, as you move toward greater intimacy with others. A pivotal place within you has been activated and it has to do with understanding. You are increasingly aware of the dark as well as the light-filled spaces within you, and of the sporadically enlightening role of partners. You are coming to recognize that significant others in your life are in essence playing out your own forgotten or neglected facets. As you come to know the fragmented portions of your psyche you can paradoxically also begin to see an underlying order, finding the key to a better and more empowered integration of all your parts.

As the month begins, the churning energies of the recent Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse from April 28th spill over into May, giving this monthly cycle its fresh start. A New Moon eclipse is indicative of the breakdown of an old pattern, enabling a new beginning although perhaps not without difficulty and challenge. The very foundation upon which you've built your life could be in flux, and while there is a certain degree of associated angst, you are starting to assert the practicalities (nuts and bolts, if you will) of life once again in a revised fashion, after the intense cardinal cross of April. This month might be the perfect time to make a thoughtful rearrangement, picking up and examining each puzzle piece in order that you might assemble something solid and grounded at your center, and perhaps shining more brightly on the exterior also.

The New Moon took place in your sector of intimacy, shared resource, and transformation. This month presents an opportunity for a fresh start in these areas of your life, and one that is more grounded in physical manifestation — be it your body, possessions, or financial matters, particularly places involving shared finances. Your mental approach to these areas is sharpened and clarified, as Mercury is to be found just a few degrees away from the New Moon, making a near exact trine to Pluto in your sector of home and family, signifying as well your psychological roots and the basis for your sense of security. These areas too are in the midst of a massive reshuffling. In relating intimately over the course of this monthly cycle, your communication becomes unusually clear and concise.

Mars is packing a punch for you this month and last, as he is traveling retrograde until mid-month, moving backward through your sign, symbolizing your sector of identity. This is another indication of how you are in certain respects during this monthly cycle reformulating your conception of who you are and how you function. The retrograde motion of Mars, combined with his inconjunct aspect to the Taurus New Moon, further highlights your discomfort, and you could have feelings that are normally foreign to your basic nature, twinges of tension, rebellious urges, or a certain degree of intolerance to those around you, although you could feel the energy shift on the 19th when Mars stations to direct motion. The higher purpose might ultimately be to nudge you into a more centered and self-satisfied way of being in the world.

Venus, your ruler, enters your opposite sign on May 2nd, bringing relationship with significant partners more clearly into the picture for you. As she slides into a conjunction with Uranus around mid-month, surprising developments in this area could bring unexpected enlightenment, connected with your own urge for independence and unique expression or these feelings on the part of important others in your life. Jupiter's positive spin on all this is also an important factor for you this month, as it has been all year, being elevated in your solar chart. His wise council invites you to be drawn forward by the joy you find in life, to trust in your process, wherever it might take you, as you begin to truly shine in your own manner, sharing your unique gifts more fully with the world.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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