Posted on February 1, 2013 in Libra
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
You are entering into a joyous mode of discovery, Libra, and yet also recognizing limitations in what you are trying to achieve. You are taking a strong stand on making the relationships in your life really work for you long term, as well as experimenting in this important area. Restrictions on the resources that you need to move forward, including financial ones, have the unexpected benefit of concentrating your energies, as you adjust your priorities and find new avenues of self-expression. By month's end you could come to realize that your most important product lies in your determination to start figuring out who you truly are, at the deepest possible level, and what this soul knowledge implies about where you need to be heading in your life.
As the month begins, you are dealing with a rather basic part of your nature, connected with your feelings about how you conceive home environment. With luck, this important factor is causing you to stop in your tracks and really take notice of what is going on in your life. You are still working out the potential from last month's New Moon in your sector of home, family and tribe, and the chances are there have been some recent and fundamental rearrangements in this area. You are attempting to integrate startling information and new ways of seeing the world, and this results in more vibrant and appropriate self-expression together with a real prospect for more closely aligning your future path with what you, corresponding to the deepest part of your being, choose to manifest.
A massing of planets takes place now in your sixth sector, which refers back to everyday life: at work, at home with health concerns and exercise regimen, and in terms of where you feel you might be headed in terms of life direction. In the context of a extremely transformative year, you are experimenting with priorities and exploring your options. In this area of health and work, Mars is suddenly there for taking action, and Mercury coming into conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, for thinking through potential difficulties and perhaps painful qualities of what you in this new era are trying on for size.
Another important planetary factor for you right now is Neptune, residing also in your sixth solar sector. Neptune is sensitive, ethereal and vague as to real-world engagement, and is in essence a spiritual archetype that relates better to music and poetry than to mundane events and consensus thinking. This factor could be encouraging you toward music and dance as ordinary preoccupations, or else perhaps making it difficult for everyday activities to find clarity and closure, since this numinous energy is confusing vis-à-vis more practical considerations of daily life.
Late in February, on the 23rd, Mercury retrogrades in this same area, and you will be adopting a more meditative stance. By this time you are looking more closely into everything, particularly issues of health, day-to-day work and future happiness. All this is happening within the context of Saturn stationary in your sector of values and resources, which along with the oncoming Mercury Retrograde period has the implied symbolism of slowing you down and enjoining you to think things through before acting.
With the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 3rd, you are essentially adjusting your thinking, in the light of new understanding, regarding everything that has gone before this point of time in the lunar cycle that began in mid-January. The factors that contribute to a new way of looking of things are multiple; they involve relationship insights, both yours and theirs in terms of new perspectives that partners supply, together with higher mind or educational considerations and an optimistic assessment of life direction that comes close to making you eligible for rose-colored glasses.
The New Moon of late Saturday evening, February 9th, provides fresh energy for soulful purposes which include celebrating the light contained within you as part of your current mission statement and also the seriousness with which you are pursuing it. It is truly amazing the extent to which you are transforming at the very core of your being in response to a cosmically oriented informational flow. This has been fitful, but ever-present. You have really only two choices now, as you are coming to recognize, either to retreat in the face of massive change or else to flex and move forward.
With the First Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 17th, you are coming into a new alignment between ideals of proposed activity and the practicalities that must also be taken into account as you make these ideals manifest. There is a burst of optimism and a feeling of freeing yourself up from the past and as well the idea that the past with its reliance on structure must be adhered to. Somehow a compromise must be reached that is fair to your partners in the action; and fair to yourself as well.
The very powerful Full Moon of Monday, February 25th, brings optimism once more to the fore as you struggle to reach for a balance point. Mercury is now retrograde and you might find yourself in a more meditative and reflective mode as you mull over recent choices and their consequences for where in your life you feel that you might indeed be heading. This last week of the month is a magical time for you when you might be able to transcend old categories and sprout wings that allow you to fly above previous difficulties, provided that you are careful not to fly too high, like Icarus, and melt them.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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