Libra Horoscope for September 2012

Libra Horoscope for September 2012

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are evolving from the inside out, Libra. Sudden relationship epiphanies are coming your way faster than you can count, and all the while your learning curve is on a steep ascent as you transform concepts of family, of your home base and of service to the surrounding collective. The very obstacles that you run into are there to remind you of how well you can succeed against adversity. This affects everything: career and vocational initiatives, the way that you see others around you as growing and evolving alongside you, and your own future possibilities as you value yourself in so doing. All this is quite compelling, but none of it qualifies as worthwhile anymore unless it has a good deal of oneness and heart-felt compassion churned into the mix.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of energy from the powerful lunations of August that triggered Uranus and Pluto as they square each other in the sky, and correspondingly in significant houses of your Solar Chart that is based on your Sun Sign. You have been feeling the excitement of new beginnings all summer long, as old and outmoded pieces of yourself have peeled away like the proverbial snake shedding, in the areas of both partnership — corresponding to the sector of your chart where Uranus resides — and also of home and family where the most significant transformation is taking place, as represented by the location of transiting Pluto.

This is a difficult and demanding time, when the pressure for change is exerted everywhere in your life, and with almost no escape. You feel a strong sense of limitation imposed from outside yourself that ties you to the wheel so that you have no choice but to deal with it.

What is at stake here is your intentional path of selfless service together with a high functioning attitude and also the potential for personal dysfunction that this stance might bring you as you make your way forward. Corresponding to your sector of service and the discipleship to your higher self, this is an idealized and potentially confusing area to contemplate since a powerfully placed Neptune resides there, representing otherworldly dimensions of reality beyond the mundane, dimensions which lately seem to be somehow a part of your normal daily existence. In other words, you are learning to a greater or a lesser degree of success to live with paradox.

Your outer world presence is another important focus for you right now, but since the persona that you present is so completely dependent on these other factors there is not an insignificant degree of chaos and confusion there as well. What can come out of all this inchoate swirl of cosmic factors is a new mandate for both your livelihood and as well all your personal interactions. A very wise man once said that when all around you is falling apart it can be taken as a sign that something good is about to appear on the horizon. The advice is that you do not dwell on the chaos, but instead await the birth.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of the following weekend, taking place on Saturday, September 8th, there are powerful realizations that come to you and that open many windows to possibility within you as well as outside of yourself. You are rearranging your conceptions of what has gone down heretofore in the preceding three weeks of the cycle, and what you might be able to discern of the deeper meaning. Partnership provides surprises plus unexpected wisdom that becomes helpful in dealing with both ups and downs and as well the strong upsurge of optimism that currently accompanies your thought process.

With the New Moon of the following weekend, taking place on Saturday, September 15th, in your sector of dream imagination, you are strongly pulled to the inside. You are philosophically active right now and making a good effort to distinguish the difficulties and resultant painful places inside yourself that become triggered by events from the useful process of growth and transformation that also arises from these same life circumstances. Even the painful places that you encounter within yourself become valuable when you are able to meet them wholeheartedly and with a calm and unwavering gaze. Acceptance of the darker and less appealing parts of yourself is the major key to moving past previous trauma into the sunlight of greater conscious focus, awareness and integration.

When the First Quarter Moon of the following weekend hits, on Saturday, September 22nd, coincident with the entrance of the Sun into your sign, you reach the crux of some of these issues, and the chance for breakthrough. This signals a fundamentally optimistic period of time for you when everything begins to click but through the school not of ease but of hard knocks. Your inner monsters are not after all as big and as scary as you had feared, although they still pack a punch that you must be prepared to weather as you continue to befriend them.

The last weekend of the month sheds the light of the Full Moon on Saturday evening, September 29th, in another in the series of powerful lunations that we have been seeing lately. This is your birthday season now, and you deserve accolades for what you have come thorough as the proper preparation for yet another round in the late fall. Like an Olympic training athlete you are getting better and better at handling the weights and you are beginning to regard them and even yourself in a more favorable light.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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