Posted on July 6, 2012 in Libra
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
Life is a little strange and wild for you now, Libra, and full of lessons. The cosmos is pulling you in several directions at once as you reach out to others in a truly cosmic way from a place deep inside yourself. A powerful resolution for getting right to the heart of the matter overtakes your soul. You are seeking what can only be found within, and blessedly losing sight of any false dependency on the superficial meanderings of the opinions of others. Understanding is your goal now, and coming to better terms with the natural order of things. It is important to remember: as well as being saddened by dire experience you are strengthened, and you are sobered up as well as made joyous by the high spots.
As the month begins, you are investigating new and uniquely available options for yourself. You have loads of energy now for exploring new horizons or perhaps for returning to old ones with new eyes. Your ruler Venus is retrograde in your sector of higher mind for nearly the remainder of the month, which is consistent with rethinking and re-examining your life in general and all your belief systems. You are in a ferment and a flux. You are coming up against practical restrictions and yet are also determined to find a better life path that is consistent with your very highest ideals for yourself, going forward. All bets are off for what lies ahead and for the way that you will react to the changes and challenges that continue to come down. One thing is sure; if there were any ways that that you have been depending on things staying the same, there are likely to be adjustments required in that area of your life. Partnership interaction is an area in particular where old tried and true patterns are becoming out of date so that you are not sure anymore which end is up. This contributes to a feeling of instability that has been growing lately and which involves family or home life. You do well to surrender to the idea that change is in the air and that it might even be in your best interest long-term. With the Full Moon of Monday, June 4th, you are brought to a moment of creative tension in your process. This is a dynamic configuration that partakes of balance also, as you seek to integrate some rather difficult elements of your situation and forge out of your experience a new way for yourself, taking account of what parts of your life no longer seem to fit. You are being forced at this time perhaps to recognize that you must abandon old ways of thinking that are just not working for you anymore. Relationships provide surprises and might add new information, while core issues of basic security needs form an important backdrop on all your ongoing changes. The Last Quarter Moon of Monday, June 11th, plays out interestingly as a coda to this period, representing a time of reflection and of rearranging your thinking on where in fact you are really heading. You might also find yourself in a process of considering the deeper meaning of recent events and how best to apply these epiphanies to navigating the intense currents of this period, as the testing time of a difficult spring transfer into new action and new trials over an intense summer. The New Moon of Tuesday, June 19th, brings fresh energy to your process and enables you to detect new opportunities in your life where you benefit enormously from needed changes. These adjustments might well be difficult and painful but that does not necessarily stop you from making them. With the final week of the month, kicked off by the exact moment of the Uranus-Pluto square on Sunday, June 24th, and highlighted by the crossroads represented by the First Quarter Moon of Tuesday evening, June 26th, followed by the station of your ruler Venus on the 27th, you are faced with further difficulties and the necessity for transformation. You can deem yourself an early adopter of these required changes – which are actually sponsored by the agenda of your higher Self – or you can hold back, to eventually go the same route although kicking and screaming all the way. That's the beauty of spiritual freedom. And it is true that you get to choose. But you win when you remain as alert as possible to what is actually taking place, outside yourself and also, and more importantly, within you.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
Learn More