Posted on January 2, 2025 in Leo
By Henry Seltzer and Kimberly Peta Dewhirst for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is an important month for you, Leo, with its beginning featuring the retrograde of Mars through your sign, up until the 6th, when he backs up into Cancer, indicating that introspective questioning of questioning of identity might be coming up – “who am I really” – along with review and revision of your basic worldview and deep-seated beliefs. This is no small matter but it need not be dire either. You might want to reflect on Bob Dylan’s famous line that “everybody not busy being born is busy dying” and decide to just go with the flow and see where that might be able to take you. In this, also, you will want to be sure to conspire with strictly what comes to you from deep inside yourself, ignoring the ravings of the madding crowd and throwing off any residue of early conditioning that divides you from your true self. You will feel the energy shift on the 6th, and again a week later on the 13th when the Cancer Full Moon lands in your mystical twelfth house of unconscious process, accompanied there by retrograde Mars, providing an even more internal basis for striking out on your own, with all your mental guns blazing, into a new world of your own devising, perhaps surprising even yourself.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As we enter a new month and a new year, wipe the slate clean with resolution, Leo. We find ourselves in the window of a Capricorn New Moon from December 30th, which could see your 2025 begin industriously. For the four weeks that follow, marvel at how far you’ve come in service of your own well-being, and take what works into your future. You might like to focus on healthy habits, routines and the structure of your lifestyle, affirming your understanding of rituals that see you at your best. There may be trusted parties, support systems or an agreement that keeps you running at your optimum, so be aware of situations that benefit you and a partner.
Yet, with Mars retrograde in your own sign you could be aware of the importance of a pause. The red planet opposes Pluto on the 2nd, newly in your house of intimate relationships. Affirming who you are may seem vital, however passionate demonstrations or urgency could lead to frustrations. One person could be unresponsive, even resistant to what you’re excited about and confident in sharing. A solution may be to reduce the heat, sensing any power struggles in partnerships.
On the 4th the Capricorn Sun aligns with Saturn in Pisces and your sector of contracts, commitments and loyalty. Here, you might like to highlight ways you work for mutual gain – and even your legacy, as there’s the potential to identify with your practical role and those that have a vested interest in the way you operate.
Monday the 6th sees the First Quarter Moon in Aries, while Mars in retrograde moves backwards into Cancer, a re-entry that may prompt a journey of reflection that feels familiar. You could need to escape after a busy spell over the holidays or find you’re exploring which duties are essential versus those that can lapse a little. Introspection is favored, even absorbing yourself with unconscious motivating factors. Mercury in Sagittarius or your fifth house of self-expression, heart-centered fun, and joy, combines tensely with Neptune in Pisces, as there is a square aspect between these planets in the lunation configuration. Chiron the Wounded Healer is also highlighted for consideration of inner wounding in hidden areas of your psyche. Showcasing creative ideas is a possibility; and likely there will be a part for others play as well, depending on their buy-in on what’s been agreed upon. Clashes might exist although you are equally dedicated to finding solutions.
On the 11th the North Node enters Pisces, casting further emphasis on your house of investments, trust and financial entanglements. Venus, your planet of success, prominence and close relations also spends January in this water sign, suggesting the way to get ahead and succeed might be to collaborate, lean on others and sink deeper into unity. Perhaps you’ll find yourself sharing space, pooling what you have or combining resources and efforts, aware of your title, reputation and the status you hold publicly.
On Monday, January 13th, the Cancer Full Moon touches tender corners of your chart, illuminating your twelfth house of endings, acceptance and unconscious process, which may warrant taking a considerable retreat from your usual tasks. Ties to Neptune and Uranus encompass the themes of togetherness and of merging assets, with a changing set of career choices and your take on reputation, altered vocational path or renewed gumption to try on a radical self-image. You might be aware of sacrifices made, as you’ve fulfilled certain goals, perhaps in an alternative mode or by harnessing innovative techniques. Through it all, your habitual modus operandus could be evolving
The 15th sees the Capricorn Sun oppose Mars and trine Neptune. You might recognize consistency around a personal practice, professional regime or physical feat, yet grace yourself with room in your schedule for gentle recovery. You benefit by being more aware of potential glitches in your employment, routine and fitness, yet you can gain by knowing when it’s okay to unravel with people who genuinely understand what to expect from you.
From the 16th to the 17th, the Sun sextiles Neptune, bringing his otherworldly influence briefly to bear on your chart ruler. This implies greater spiritual insights with home and family or with creative projects, plus a modicum of confusion, illusion, or perhaps self-deception could be in the offing.
The Sun enters Aquarius and your house of key relationships on the 19th, forming a conjunction there to Pluto. Coupled with Jupiter in your social sector governing friendships and groups you favor, as well as future goals, and a Libra Moon, this could be a day to engage, circulate and open up to those both near and far. Look for opportunities to become better acquainted with business partners as well as personal, yet observe what arises within you that’s personally exciting – or even confronting.
The Last Quarter Scorpio Moon on the 21st could reveal sensitivities or transformative insights, particularly regarding interpersonal relations with a significant other. Remind yourself it’s okay if your own need is to back off, or conversely embrace the opportunity for both parties being equipped to hold space to process emotional matter. Your own personal values are your guideline.
The New Moon on January 29th facilitates a more direct connection with important figures, perhaps from your group or community. Connect, broaching potentially private family information in the month that follows. As the Sun harmonizes with Jupiter during this lunation, a friend could strengthen your affiliations with a circle of peers, relationships that continue blossoming in February.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
Learn More