Posted on January 31, 2024 in Leo
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is another very interesting month for you, Leo. The recent New Moon in your sector of service and of discovering your mission statement has had you thinking about where your life is leading you, with plenty of career choices and also optimism about potential results. Partners in your life can be helpful here as well; and yet there are important considerations involving deep-seated principles and values that you must take into account, and this concern becomes clearer as the month continues to unfold. The Aquarius New Moon of February 9th is key, when relationship is emphasized as well as social issues, and when you are more aware of the need for direct action, at least with your words. There is transformation in the air, so that the challenge might be one of embracing change. Teaching or learning feeds into this, and one-on-one interactions. Greater efficacy might be one significant goal that comes up for you, as well as battling that feeling of hopelessness at the magnitude of the cultural shift that needs to happen. It might help to recognize that everything that you do sends out vibrations like a pebble tossed. The ripples just keep on expanding outward.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
February arrives in the waning cycle of the Capricorn New Moon from last mid-month, emphasizing the role of small changes and consistent efforts, which lay the groundwork for more ambitious professional objectives. These past three weeks, and the first week of the current month, sees you with a focus on day-to-day events, your workplace, and your hygienic and other habitual patterns. While old habits die hard, lunation ruler Saturn in Pisces ties this incremental progress to deeper shifts within your psychology and connection to others – including the energy or resources people want to invest in you. There is also a strong presence of Uranus in your vocational sector which might have engendered surprise events for you in this area of life, along with unexpected enlightenment.
On the 4th, Mercury's entrance into Aquarius and conjunction with Pluto may offer data about your sector of one-on-one relationships, now the grounds for a long process of transformation and self-development since Pluto's recent ingress. This represents an influential angular position in your solar chart, and so there may be a heightened intensity to discussions, events, or contemplation around committed partnerships.
A concurrent square between Venus in Capricorn and Chiron in Aries could bring up vulnerabilities forged in painful early experiences, which shape your outlook on life. With Pluto and Mercury on your descendant emphasizing what others think, you may need to detach your ideas from those around you. While this may require you to sit with fears about your abilities, belonging, or not being liked, a sextile from the Sun offers that the wisdom or love of another may strengthen your sense of self and help you reorient your perspective.
The Aquarius New Moon lands in this same sector on the 9th, forming also a close square to Uranus in Taurus, the new lunation ruler. While seeding a new cycle in your partnership sector, you are also entering a new phase with your career and professional life as well. You also could see discussions and excitement around business partnerships and career developments, either in your life or your partner's. A sextile between Jupiter and Saturn suggests changes in your vocation or public identity may relate to restructuring of partnership responsibilities or issues around the support you share and receive from others.
As Mars enters Aquarius on the 12th and conjoins Pluto there, significant energy and passion are available to take action on collaborative ventures or intimate liaisons. Matters of public image and vocation merge with relationships. The seventh solar sector is additionally the realm of projection, something to be aware of, and of course your partnerships can also offer direct feedback on your personal growth. As a result, the Mars-Pluto conjunction might get you in touch with unexamined parts of yourself, some of which you may outsource to others and experience through your relationship with them.
On the 16th, just after the Taurus First Quarter Moon that morning, Venus follows suit, entering Aquarius and conjuncting Pluto. The extremities of desire and aversion may offer insight into your own and others' values, drives, and motivations.
On the 16th also, the push and pull of professional and relational themes may feel particularly activating on account of a square between Mercury in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Unexpected insight related to authority, money, or career may now call for action or a change of tact. Events at this time may connect to ongoing renegotiation around what external success means for you, where becoming less concerned about external judgment may unlock untapped creative resources or a fresh perspective on your ambitions.
On the 18th, as the Sun enters Pisces, signaling a growing emphasis on your eighth house of personal metamorphosis and intimacy, what continues to be the mantra is that love lies in the arms of change. Chiron's conjunction with the Lunar North Node in Aries that began on the 12th and for the following 12 days further points to the alchemy of endings, where wounding around otherness, dogma, or mental autonomy may be bound to karmic and generational patterns. Having the courage to interrogate the lens through which you experience the world will take you off on new adventures of self-discovery. While painful, your vulnerabilities equip you with the wisdom to help others.
From 20th to the 24th, conjunction between Venus and Mars in Aquarius suggests whatever is stirred up in your partnership sphere may pave the way for deeper understanding with others and insight into your relating patterns. Matters of love, collaboration, and money are supported now and may align with reinvigoration in an existing relationship or a new connection.
The Full Moon in Virgo lands on the 24th, Illuminating your sector of personal resources, gifts, and self-esteem, changes in a relationship may arrive with a corresponding redistribution or merging of resources. Mars and Venus form energizing squares to Jupiter as they separate from their conjunction, indicating professional or mutually beneficial alliances relating to your skill set may buoy your self-belief.
Mercury and Saturn move through the heart of the Sun in Pisces on the morning of the 28th, placing your sphere of intimacy, rebirth, and debt in the limelight as you leave the month. Whether psychological or financial, bringing challenging realities to light will enable you to assess the situation and plan a way forward. Consulting someone with relevant skills or experience will aid this process. Applying sextiles from the Sun and Mercury to Jupiter suggest luck is on your side – what ideas do you keep coming back to but have written off as unrealistic to attempt? Clarity of purpose may attract lucrative supporters or allies in your field.
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