Leo Horoscope for February 2023

Leo Horoscope for February 2023

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month for you, Leo, and one that features relationship commitments of all kinds. You are coming out of a previous several weeks of a thoughtful time; the introspective retrogrades of Mercury and Mars are slowly fading, with Mercury due to emerge completely from its retrograde shadow by the 7th. In February, as well, your communication tends to be serious and intentional, and based on strong inner principles. You might reflect upon this, and this factor could stimulate a process within you, just now stirring, to act – as much as you can – strictly upon your deeper truth, minus the distractions. The Full Moon of February 5th emphasizes issues of self and other, with partners in your life a definite focus that ideally does not take anything away from your sense of your evolving self within a growth spurt of your own. It is possible too at this time that there will be surprising new choices in your career and professional life. You are in a process of planning for, and recognizing more fully, what you have to contribute to relationships, to groups that you favor, and to your community in general.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Keywords: Partnerships, Expansion, Community, Work

The Aquarius New Moon that took place on January 21st, in your opposite sign, has conditioned the lunation cycle continuing into the present month of February to be about important relationships in your life. As your focus became sharply targeted on partnership concerns during the ten days leading up to the advent of the current month, with prominent Saturn in the recent New Moon you might lo might also be feeling a sense of limitation regarding both your career and partnership communications. You are also striving to integrate deep internal ideas about what makes sense for you going forward.

The month of February continues to emphasize your various partnerships and you may feel an integrative influence for the lessons and experiences of the last two years. February is the last month of Saturn transiting in your opposite sign of Aquarius which might have brought important insights since 2020 related to what you are willing to commit to while learning to honor your personal boundaries. A desire for greater space and autonomy or on the other hand the need for a deeper commitment to a relationship could be the side effect of Saturn’s transit in Aquarius and this month may bring the culmination of the hard work you have been doing on yourself and on your ideas of what relating means for you. There may be new possibilities emerging thanks to someone willing to support your visions. However, this can require a certain amount of vulnerability on your part which could still be a work in progress. Your desire to let go and have new experiences may be greater at this time which is a good sign for things working in your favor.

From the 3rd through the 5th, the first weekend of February sees Venus in Pisces forming a square with Mars in Gemini and then Full Moon in Leo culminating on the 5th. The square between Venus and Mars could highlight the agreements you have with others and perhaps some tension between your private life and your public persona. Your collaborations may have to be handled more delicately for a few days as it might be harder to see eye to eye with others at this time.

The Full Moon in your sign taking place on Sunday, February 5th, might be the ‘’pièce de résistance’’ of the beginning half of the month that shines a light on your overall well-being, your desires, and your direction. You may be able to take stock of where you stand in a way that feels unusually clarifying. Uranus in Taurus forming a square to the Full Moon could highlight the innovative frameworks currently influencing your career or it could be that your originality and individual perspectives are celebrated in some ways.

From the 9th through the 11th, Mercury forms a conjunction with Pluto. This could bring up anxieties or obsessive thinking especially if you already feel overwhelmed. Mindfulness practice might be particularly effective at this time if you feel your thoughts getting out of control. You might be better able to regain a sense of perspective by the 11th when Mercury enters Aquarius. This is a powerfully transformative time for this brief period, and might represent greater awareness of changing tides in the day-to-day events in your life, or your workspace.

Venus meets Neptune in Pisces on the 15th and 16th, perhaps blurring the lines between what is real and what is imagined. An intimate or business agreement could be a source of confusion.

On the 15th through the 17th, the Sun meets Saturn in Aquarius and it might feel like a cold shower and relationship restrictions or commitment. Overall this could have a nice balancing effect that allows you to find a more realistic approach to whatever is coming your way at this time.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on the late evening of the 19th, early morning of the 20th, in the sector of your chart that relates to shared resources and more extensively your intimate or business partnerships. This New Moon could represent a fresh start in intimate connections that are existing or prospective. The agreements you make with others at this time may have a life-changing effect that allows for new elements to come into your life over the following thirty days of this Pisces season. Future plans and deep feelings of inherent principle might also be further emphasized. With Venus entering Aries a day later on the 20th this new cycle also brings new energy to business ventures.

The First Quarter Moon of February 27th is dramatic and brings you closer to understanding how your deepest principles come into play with both public and private concerns. The final days of February could also be productive for clarifying the resources you have available through others and the opportunities for collaboration that could help you take your game to the next level. A combination of compromise and negotiations could end up being the most productive approach for you at the end of the month.

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