Leo Horoscope for August 2023

Leo Horoscope for August 2023

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is a big one for self-examination, Leo, with personal planet retrogrades and outer planet combinations that incline you to a more thoughtful connection with the universe around you. With the Sun in your sign, you are riding the wave of the recent Cancer New Moon in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, with transformation coming at you from interior spaces beyond and behind your conscious personality. Venus is also retrograding through Leo, your sector of identity, while the Full Moon on August 1st brings important others and relationship agreements and commitment into this picture of your evolving sense of who you really are. You may find yourself journaling your thoughts or searching within yourself for a more focused feeling of moral imperative, and for communicating your deepest principles. The New Moon in your sign of August 16th makes for another potent juncture, when your determination is at an all-time high for more fully solving the mystery of your existence. This is, however, as Mercury is slowing down, preparing to retrograde on August 23rd in your sector of values and resources. For the final result of the dawning realizations of this fecund monthly cycle you might have to wait for late September.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The months begins with you feeling the call to your internal places occasioned by the recent New Moon in Cancer from the middle of last month, still unfolding through the first half of this one. This took place in your soul sector, indicating a studied concern with unconscious process and inner work, and also closely aspected both Eris in your higher mind sector and Neptune on this house cusp, so that there is likely a philosophic and otherworldly depth to your experience of personal evolution, as you plumb what is below the surface layers of your psyche for clues. Venus is also in retrograde motion this entire month, which could feel like introspection, looking inside yourself in order to get it right as far as what you are up to in the outer world.

On August 1st, the Full Moon in Aquarius with the Sun in your sign emphasizes your partnerships and the benefits that come to you from others in your life. Although you like your autonomy, this may be a moment of acknowledgement and appreciation for the contributions others bring to your life and it could be a good time to acknowledge your need for support and the people who are willing to lift you up. Relationship is the name of your game as you continue to transform in what you bring to the table. Mercury in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces on the same day may highlight the fine details of your partnership agreements or perhaps your desire for security versus your need for full autonomy. Jupiter transiting in Taurus is highlighted , illuminating the vocational sector of your chart and bringing a lot of momentum and focus on your personal direction.

The Sun in Leo for the first two and a half weeks of the month shines a spotlight on your sense of your identity and more extensively in your ambitions and overall life purpose. The second week of August is all about you, where you are heading and the new potential pathways emerging on the horizon.

From the 8th to the 10th, Venus, moving retrograde in Leo, forms her second of three squares with Uranus in Taurus signifying surprises in your work environment as well as fresh insights and a restlessness. You need to stay open to taking on new approaches or perspectives especially for career-related matters. Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus over this same period shows that there are some real opportunities for progress especially if you are willing to jump the tracks of your comfort zone.

Venus joins the Sun in Leo on the 13th, which signals the halfway point of her retrograde cycle and an important moment for you when you could feel the adjustments taking place in relation to your desires and what you want for your future.

The New Moon in your sign takes place on August 16th and signals the beginning of a new cycle for you. This is a good time to set intentions and to allow yourself to break free from old ways of being in the world. The New Moon forming a close square to Uranus in Taurus is a call towards reinvention and innovation in your outer world presence and career moves – so that you could feel the urge to be or try something entirely new. Your worldview continues to shift in the direction of what you yourself uniquely bring to the group dynamic that surrounds you. With Venus still moving retrograde in your sign, it's important to not jump to conclusions too quickly and to see this period of time as an opportunity to make the adjustments needed for you to find greater equilibrium in your life.

Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces from the 21st to the 23rd and may bring up confusion surrounding your agreements with others or your desire for autonomy. This will be felt all the more poignantly if there are too many demands being made on you.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 23rd just as Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, lasting into late September, which for you highlights your sense of autonomy and resources in the coming weeks. This is a meditative and an introspective time when there may be some logistical components that need to be addressed especially in relation to your material reality. This continues to be an important period of progress and clarification of your needs and desires.

From the 26th to the 27th, the Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces, indication limitation. You are potentially slowing down in order to be more deliberate in what you are attempting.

The Pisces Full Moon of the 30th takes place in the part of your chart that relates to what you share with others and more extensively highlights your intimate and business partnership agreements. The end of the month could be a good time to take stock of what weighs too heavily on you when it comes to other people's expectations and you may be able to become more aware of the unconscious pressure you have been feeling in your close relationships.

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