Leo Horoscope for February 2016

Leo Horoscope for February 2016

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month of change that you have going, once again, Leo. As in all through the previous year, you are concerned with concepts of service and inspired connections to higher-mind awareness. You are coming to a new sense of what you value, and more than external concepts of any kind, this has to do with what you hold deep inside. One key word for you right now is Understanding. Especially after the 8th, you are exploring renewed partnership connection with a great deal of both optimism and reality-check conservative approach. You are exploring the deeper motivation that you bring to the relationship dynamic as well as to issues of home and family. You are getting a better sense of your true mission statement; touching upon the gift of yourself freely given, in a true other-orientation that makes everything work, including the individually creative contribution you make.

As the month begins, you are still digesting the series of revelations provided by the recent Mercury Retrograde period and its aftermath, culminating one week past its station on the last day of January. You might feel as though everything that has been happening over the previous year is coming to a head, resulting in a major perspective shift. As you delve more deeply into what moves you emotionally, you recognize that you are in a time of profound change. You may be tuning in more fully to a growing internal mandate for discovering your true calling. A primary part of that sense of individual mission is that you grow in awareness and begin to serve your own deepest knowing, matching the needs of society as well, in a service orientation. This is completely separate from feeling a compulsion of any kind to put yourself in a lesser or subservient position, to which your storied pride would not well yield. Once you raise your gaze to a big-picture viewpoint of everything around you, including your true motivation, this sense of service turns out to be in your own best interest.

It could be said that your values are in flux as well as your worldview, and yet this is not so scary once you accept the necessity for going beyond where you were stuck. It is all too easy to dwell in familiar if slightly dysfunctional behaviors and structures that are no longer viable; it is however essential that you be able to transcend the previous high-water marks of a former state. Like the chambered nautilus, whose discarded spiral shells line the restless seashore, you will leave behind only the empty mansions that have outgrown their usefulness.

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