Leo Horoscope for January 2015

Leo Horoscope for January 2015

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Welcome to a forward-looking month of intense activity, Leo. You are feeling optimistic and fortunate now, and this continues to the extent that you make your own luck with your choices. This is a very philosophically inspiring and service-oriented month for you, as symbolized by the dramatic recent Capricorn New Moon. You are discovering the worldview that allows you to move ahead with your most sincere effort, while coming from your deepest understanding, in a way that enhances your experience and that of others around you as well. You are dedicated and sincere with your idealism and also must remember to bring to the fore every bit of your practicality and caution you can muster. This allows you to shine your light more fully, even as you allow yourself to be held back in following your most extreme impulse.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the dynamite Capricorn New Moon from ten days before the start of the present month. Since that time you have been especially aware of the enthusiasm and charisma that you currently have on display as you continue being expressive and dramatically present in your outreach to others. You are also aware of a feeling of mission that for you accompanies the advent of the New Year. In this you may find your truest sense of self and all that entails in terms of goal orientation, and as well the power you have to change yourself, and the environment that you create. This is a tall order and one that you cannot complete all at once, but that instead must come slowly as you understand more fully what it is that you are trying to accomplish.

Significant persons in your life play an ever-growing role in this finding of yourself, as the month unfolds. You will this month be increasingly focused on the functioning of your relationship dynamic as you proceed, reflecting and meditating on what part it is that connection with important others plays in the steep arc of your own current development.

Part of this evolutionary impulse comes from the fact that this is the season of the most intense stage of Pluto in combination with Uranus, giving you a mandate, should you choose to accept it, to be the best that you can be, transforming that which you no longer find functional within yourself, whatever that means to you personally. Again, this proceeds in stages. Pluto and your ruler, the Sun, are conjoined in the first few days of the new year, lending even more emphasis to their historic square alignment that defines this entire period of your personal history, now coming to a culmination in the first few months of 2015. Your worldview has been shifting in support of these evolutionary changes that are underway within you, at times gradually and at times with dramatic flashes of insight, as you move into this mid-decade timing.

The recent New Moon and Capricorn lineup from the ending of the old year has focused on the sixth sector of your solar chart, which is dedicated to day-to-day events and habitual behaviors, including at your workplace, as well as service to others and health regimens. All of these activities constitute a changing landscape in this new year, and are filled with unexpected significance. The ordinary moments of life, scenes of natural goodness, and opportunities for kindness, can actually provide you with some of the most poignant glimpses of Spirit in action around and through you. Your task might lie in taking these moments of increased significance and making of them a more long-lasting and personally ingrained way of being in the world. This is indeed a worthy challenge.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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