Posted on February 1, 2013 in Leo
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is an interesting, exciting and challenging period for you, Leo, one in which your curiosity is highly aroused. It is a stimulating time both intellectually and also spiritually. Ideas are your friends right now, and partners in your life are extremely important as well, in part because of the additional perspectives that they bring. You are a seeker after truth, and find yourself in favor of a new way of life that will clear some of the cobwebs away between what you have and what you are actually wanting. Home and family is another important area for you right now, and issues there pave the way for you to establish your own sense of where you are headed, perhaps by offering a contrasting sense of limitation that enables you to see exactly where you need to break away.
As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the extremely powerful Full Moon in your sign from the last weekend of the previous month. This was a time, continuing into the present month, when your interactive nature was fully up for you, implying partnership considerations but also reliance on your own strength and determination to get on with your agenda, plus novel ideas regarding future trends that could unfold for you, and with the continuing attention on concerns of home and family that has also been alive for you recently.
This is all happening within the context of Saturn greatly emphasized in your fourth sector of home, family and tribe. This implies that you are finding a great deal of focus on some factor of familial connection or home environment or with even the physical side of your housing situation. You could be digging in on important rearrangements or perhaps running into difficulties and a sense of limitation in that important area of your life, that is so much a part of the very foundation of your sense of psychological security. Whatever issues you are encountering, you will emerge after these next few months stronger for having run up against them, especially if you keep remembering to take the high road.
Another powerful archetype acting on your chart right now – and in solid aspect to Saturn – is that of Pluto, that force for massive change, located in your sector of day-to-day activity, health and soul-purpose life direction. There is a way of seeing this factor that has it that whatever you are going through in terms of root psychological issues is in service to the transformation of your sense of where you need to be headed with your life. In any case you are undoubtedly feeling the pressure in this area as well, and continuing to learn by dealing with it.
With Neptune, Chiron and now Mars in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, there is also a strong drive to explore more fully the very depths of your being, which might take the form of an increased awareness of your dark places. This would include dysfunctional behavior stemming from prior trauma. Situations that trigger old wounds might have been coming up for you lately, and if so, it could be time to dig into what's really bothering you beneath the surface layers of your personality. Witness and accept. It's a difficult exercise that repays ten-fold the trouble to get there.
With the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 3rd, you are finding new bottles for the old wine of past events, re-conceiving your ideas of what the deeper meaning of recent experience could possibly entail for you. You are also exploring more fully your own inner world, perhaps finding inside yourself some of the motivation that you had formerly assumed was to be assigned elsewhere. This is a subtle, idealized and in its own way confusing process by means of which you could discover new angles on partnership with intimate others in your life as well as getting new clues to your societal involvement and future plans.
The New Moon of late Saturday evening, February 9th, gives fresh energy to your purpose, and could provide a new way of understanding the meaning of partnership for you in general and for specific intimate others in your life in particular. It is likely that issues of close connection and deep sharing will arise to bring you further along either a planned or partly unintended course of action; and it is also possible that shadows of old dysfunctional behaviors will surface. If so, these remnants of past trauma come up to remind you to continue the important process of intimate connection with yourself as well as with others, first acknowledging and then accepting where and how you have in the past been wounded.
The First Quarter Moon taking place on Sunday, February 17th, is traditionally a time of minor crisis, when you must confront the obstacles as well as the successes of the past week and assess progress. You might easily be continuing to deal with the types of issues outlined above, or perhaps feel that you are on the verge of breaking through to a new level of confidence regarding your emerging course of action.
The powerful Full Moon of Monday, February 25th, takes place in your sector of values and resources. This configuration is very intense, and highlights the astrological factors corresponding to both dysfunctional patterns of connection, corresponding to early trauma in your life, and also to the potential for finding a new way forward that obviates a previously stuck situation. This is a dynamic time in the midst of a dynamic year of further change and you might be able to use the energy of it to catapult yourself to an entirely new level in the plans that your soul made for you, long ago and far away.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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