Posted on September 1, 2012 in Leo
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is the time of your life, Leo, in spite of the apparent difficulties. The future looks simultaneously bright and complex, especially since you sense that your changes are still far from complete. Yet, things are only as grim as you believe they are, and problems, once solved, turn into triumphs. Stopped in your tracks one moment, in the next things can turn around. You have tons of energy and mental enthusiasm to leap the tallest buildings while saving the day. You win when you can admit that the glass might actually be half full rather than the other way 'round. It helps immensely to recognize that your mundane, logical mind has only a small part of the answer, with the grace of Goddess and the gifts of Spirit playing the biggest role.
As the month begins, you are both fully within your depth process and also outside of it, enjoying to the hilt the excitement of friends and group associations that you admire and draw social comfort from. How can you be in two places at once? A wise man said that the nature of the soul is paradox.
With one part of your being, then, let us say, you are on a deep diving mission to recover a lost part of yourself that you had almost forgotten that you possessed, and that it is vital that you discover and recognize. This might be connected with old woundings from early days when you had no choice but to hide your feelings away and lock them up inside. Now, years later, you are only able to access these walled-off places inside you with great effort, and by closely examining your inner world. Nevertheless it is worth the effort to get reconnected to these parts of yourself that have been MIA and to begin to accept every level of your glorious being.
This is a time for you of massive reevaluation and re-prioritization. Your values are there for you to explore and to revel in, and your beliefs and even to the extent of worldview are in major flux, as they have been all year. You are in the process of reorganizing and reconstituting your mission statement of what you absolutely intend for yourself, going forward, making this a very exciting time for you to be alive and in your own skin.
Your finances are subject to some degree of illusory notions right now, but these also have a solid foundation that makes for a sound basis for ultimate expansion as you continue to explore your vision for a better future for yourself that takes account of your inner world as well as your outer.
Detailed Monthly Forecast
The Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 8th, signaling the last phase of the lunar cycle, is traditionally a time of reassessment. You are meditating on the events of the previous three weeks, and coming to some new attitudes and conclusions regarding your underlying motivation. You are in an essentially optimistic frame of mind at this juncture, looking for a new way to go forward and perhaps even finding it. Relationships and career priorities are altered factors in how you now see your life unfolding.
With the New Moon of Saturday, September 15th, there is fresh energy for your core process, and for discovering what it is that you truly value. You find yourself in an intense learning laboratory where deep intuitional information is exchanged, and are furthermore beginning to give yourself full credit for sticking to the program — as inspired by the hidden choir of angel voices within you. Finances are not only a responsibility but a doorway into greater possibility when seen through the prism of inner priorities.
The First Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 22nd, represents the tension of the partial and still tentative completion of your journey toward your goals. This moment brings even closer to your conscious mind the mystical awareness represented by the presence of Neptune in your sector of personal transformation. You really do not know what it is that you are after right now, or how to find it, but you are sure that something is there to be found, a glimmering light in the darkness of the supremely creative inner void. This awareness cannot really be communicated to others but that doesn't stop you from trying.
With the Full Moon in the last weekend of the month, taking place on Saturday evening, September 29th, you are reaching for a balance point between practical and mystical knowledge. There could be sudden shifts in travel arrangements, or in the mental explorations that have been your hidden specialty all summer long and now lead you into the fall period. The pace does not let up as the end of this climactic year looms, with more ridges to ascend along the way, but the top of the mountain not yet in sight.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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