Leo Horoscope for April 2012

Leo Horoscope for April 2012

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a wild time for you Leo. As you feel your way forward into a mystically amazing spring season, you are in some sense reinventing all your beliefs and values. Renewed understanding of where you are heading right now might be your most important product. The fundamental mystery of life and love is ever with you these days, as circumstances continue to provide unexpected enlightenment that shakes you up perhaps just where you needed it most. Intimate connection is studiously undefined and yet leads you to surprisingly rich rewards, even in terms of career connections, as the cycle of your learning continues. You might feel unresolved in some way since uncertainties continue to plague your course of development. Although this is easier said than done, you benefit by letting go of any and all concrete expectations.

As the month begins, you are feeling frisky in the aftermath of the potent New Moon from March 22nd that took place in your sector of higher mind. This favors mental exploration of all kinds, including philosophical excursions and digressions, as well as travel of either the actual or the armchair variety. All these activities are stimulated over the course of this lunar cycle, or for most of the month of April. Since Mercury is also involved, a dizzying array of wild ideas is jumping out at you. These are better to contemplate than to act upon right now, because Mercury?s retrograde implies that the nuances of your situation will change within these next three weeks. You could be coming out the other side with totally different consequences than when they first presented themselves to you in the wonder of their original conception. The time for action comes later in the month with the entrance of the Sun into Taurus and your tenth sector on April 19th and on into the New Moon weekend that follows. In these first three weeks of the month you are challenged to make mental adjustments to your thought process as you prepare for this initiatory moment. You are facing up to poignant feelings arising from deep within your psyche, and with luck you are making the best of these to advance your progress toward better self-acceptance. This is a stretch of course, and easier said than done. A positive result allows for greater compassion toward others as well as yourself. With the Full Moon of Friday, April 6th, you reach for balance and a plateau of meaning. You are forging new territory in achievement in not only the eyes of the world, but also for the inner eye that represents truth in a more profound and uniquely individualized form. There is a mystical side to your explorations now that leads you to a greater depth and breadth of experience than whatever you can concretely see and feel; your sense of identity is expanding accordingly to the extent that you can open to this important sense of the numinous as equally foundational to the workings of the world around you. You are entertaining startling concepts now that take other-dimensional realities as gospel and that take you far beyond where you were as recently as a few weeks prior. As you move beyond previous conceptions you are making a strong stand for truth as you and you alone see it. With the advent of the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, April 13th, this becomes so in an even more important way as you enter the final phase of the lunation cycle that began last month. This is a period of time when you are rolling up the perceived wisdom of the cycle into a seed ball for the next, as you mull over the events that have led up to this crossroads and review their meaning for you. These might indeed refer to old patterns of behavior stemming from childhood when your security was threatened, and when you did not find a way to deal with the difficult emotions that accompanied the trauma of those earlier times. This could have the ultimate effect of concretizing a move that you have been making all along toward recognizing these deeper and more buried portions of your psyche, in order that you may better accept yourself at all levels and move past dysfunction. With the New Moon of Saturday, April 21st, and for the last ten days of the month, you are entering into a powerful and initiatory time. Something truly clicks, and it involves epiphany concerning your stance vis-à-vis the world around you, and as you continue the exploration of your profound inner depths.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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