Posted on February 1, 2025 in Gemini
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is another month of transformational pressure upon your notion of your beliefs, Gemini. Both the recent Aquarius New Moon and also an elevated presence there of Pluto has brought great focus to your sector of higher mind, associated with educational initiatives, foreign travel, and, ultimately, your worldview. It seems that what is closely involved in the changes that you are currently going through is also your concept of service to others, and an idea of kindness as a way of life. Your creative self-expression and your sense of expanding identity is tied up with a sense of agency that involves these internal principles coming to the fore, a sense of activism unfolding. The week of February 3rd, which includes the Moon’s First Quarter, on the 5th, activates this sentiment and also presents inherent obstacles to carrying it out more fully in your life, while the Full Moon a week later, on the 12th, cements it into place along with a feeling of curiosity about where this all might be heading. The Last Quarter Moon of February 20th represents another powerful juncture when you are striving to understand your philosophy, its internal conflicts, and how it applies to your vocation. All this is grist for you mill as you continue to evolve on the lines of your intention for this lifetime, as you can come to discern it.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
February’s cycle of development in your sector of higher education, travel, beliefs, and worldview was seeded by the Aquarius New Moon from January 29th and its 30-day lunation cycle that follows. The trine from Sun and Moon to Jupiter in Gemini in this configuration indicates a drive for intellectual and spiritual expansion may offer personal fulfillment this month, and additionally push forward meaningful creativity. Your ruling planet, Mercury, conjoins in the New Moon Pluto in Aquarius suggesting a level of mental wrestling could be connected to an evolution in your understanding or consequential paradigm shift. Whether you're grappling is existential or academic, you could achieve through February in arriving at an expanded perspective.
This cycle is also characterized by a triple conjunction between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces, perfecting on the 1st in your vocational sector. Highly creative, this alignment could indicate renewed inspiration in your work, your professional relationships, or your future plans. With the North Node shifting into Pisces this year as well, connecting to the visionary aspiration of what is meaningful to you and your own definition of success may be integral to a new chapter unfolding over the next eighteen months.
On February 3rd, Venus enters Aries, or your sector of friends and long-term goals. Emphasizing social enjoyment and collaboration, Venus here may aid you in attracting fulfilling or beneficial allies, particularly if you take a bold approach to what it is you seek and ensure that your mission statement reflects your own innermost cherished principles.
An extended square between Chiron in Aries and Mars in Cancer this month could also complicate matters of group belonging and acceptance. With retrograde Mars in your house of resources, finances, and self-esteem, the return of dynamics from the past could inflame self-protective mechanisms that may have long hindered you from fully sharing your gifts or pursuing what you desire. This increase of attention to these inner complexes might ultimately lead to healing light upon these issues. Whether alone or with a trusted companion, confronting and expressing your feelings head on could shake out what’s lingering below the surface layers of conscious awareness in your energetic and emotional memory bank.
Jupiter stations direct in your sign on the 4th, bringing your personal accomplishment and development to the forefront during this very consequential week of the 3rd, which also includes the Frist Quarter Moon in your sign the next day on Wednesday, February 5th. As Jupiter, planet of luck and optimism, changes direction and becomes temporarily extra-potent, lifting your spirits, you are also dealing with conflicting desires or clashes between personal and work-related goals and opportunities.
On February 9th, Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius. This can be a lightbulb moment when you’re learning something new, with emerging information, understanding, or feedback that may offer additionality clarity on matters of education, spirituality, or travel.
The Leo Full Moon on February 12th illuminates your sphere of communication, siblings, and local connections. Emphasizing the polarity between the theoretical and experiential, you may be considering your information engagement from the perspective of what brings joy or offers room for your creative voice to shine through. Featuring a fixed sign T-square to Uranus in Taurus, contrasting influences that restrain or expand your unique style of self-expression may be thrust into view, be they fears that you don’t know enough or confidently replacing outdated beliefs and frameworks for understanding the world. Stepping away to consciously engage with what grounds you will be supportive. Your intuition, associated with Uranus, is strong now as well, and, if you can remain open to it, might be able to tell you true in a way superior to your more conscious ratiocination.
Mercury enters Pisces on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th, signaling the entrance of Pisces season. The apex of your chart, related to vocational matters, now hosts a buildup of planets, accentuating career, calling, and public persona.
On the 20th, the Last Quarter Moon takes place at the beginning of your opposite sign, with the Sun in Pisces now, thus in your career sector. Pluto in early Aquarius is also quite strongly emphasized. This significant juncture indicates potential conflicts in attitude between warring life factors, and yet might succeed in bringing important partners into the picture of what you believe and actualize.
Mars stations direct in Cancer on February 23rd in your sector of resources, talent, and self-esteem. Out of bounds and barely moving in the sky, impulsivity or challenges around money or skill set may be emphasized in the latter part of the month, including your approach to competition. While Mars won’t recover lost ground till May, its gaze is now directed to what’s ahead, suggesting emerging relief or hard-earned progress. Mars connects to Mercury in Pisces by trine as it stations, linking changes in motivation or cashflow to professional negotiations or shifts in perspective. At its core, this may hinge on whether you care enough about something to make the necessary sacrifice.
On the 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces brings a dose of reality to your professional sector. Whether you are seeking advice from an authority, weighing up commitments, or pushing to bring a project to fruition, practical and long-term considerations could prevail.
The Pisces New Moon, in your career sector, takes place on February 27th. The work you offer the world, your public profile, and realms of achievement are the grounds from which the story of your next stage will develop. Forming an applying square to Jupiter, ruler of this New Moon, this next lunation cycle – carrying over into most of March – could relate to creative projects you have poured a lot of yourself into or further transformational changes in your beliefs and worldview. Neptune’s ongoing conjunction with the North Node in the latter degrees of Pisces may additionally accentuate a frustrating lack of clarity or emerging fantasy ideals around career matters and call for some aspect of surrender or compassionate revisioning. Saturn/ Mercury forms a sextile to Uranus in Taurus which hints at the unpredictable changes in sense of identity for you on this year’s horizon. Your interpersonal connections may be a source of pleasure and meaning that could help you advance your personal goals.
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