Posted on July 31, 2023 in Gemini
By Henry Seltzer and Elodie St-Onge Aubut for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a potentially wild month for you, Gemini, although it is one for internal rather than external exploration. The retrogrades of two personal planets, one your ruler, Mercury, are indications of that, along with outer planet alignments to these. If you can honor this call, you are being taking out of the comfort of business as usual into unknown territory. Venus is retrograde all month in your sector of communication and learning while Mercury, beginning with the pre-retrograde shadow around the 8th, becomes more active in its latter stages. From the start you could be feeling a strong internal pressure to transform in certain areas of your life where old inherited habit patterns have lost their relevance for your evolving sense of life purpose. The Leo New Moon of the 16th features a slowing Mercury in close aspect to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, an indication that inner wounding could come up for you during this month’s second half for purposes of healing and greater integration. Mercury stations a week later, on the 23rd, in aspect with Uranus, Neptune, and Eris. This is quite a heady brew for the last week of the month, when you are likely to be feeling within your soul the pull to allow deep intuitional perspectives to flourish.
The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The Aquarius Full Moon of August 1st begins the month, and it represents the midway point of the thirty-day lunation cycle from the Cancer New Moon of two weeks back. This took place in your sector of resources and values, including financial resources, and could signal a fresh look at the way that your money comes in or gets spent. In an essentially introspective month of August, you might be taking a second look at your priorities there, or for material versus more subtle forms of value. Pluto and Neptune were additionally featured in that Cancer New Moon, in prominent sectors of yours, implying personal transformation in a spiritual direction, a factor that continues into the lunations of the current month. You might be ready to shed certain habit patterns that have outgrown their usefulness in your life, so that you are letting go of some things to make room for others to flourish. Mercury, your ruler, will eventually retrograde in your fourth sector of home and family, bringing reflection, review, and reevaluation to many factors of you life, especially those that go deep down into your inner world of unconscious process.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1st takes place in the part of your chart that relates to travel, learning, and the philosophical or spiritual frameworks that help you contextualize the world you live in. This is a nice moment of integration and acknowledgment for how far you have come and for all the things that open up your mind and your perception of reality. With Jupiter transiting in Taurus, you may have been feeling more introspective these days and you could be experiencing a desire to slow down and assess where things are heading. Mercury in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces at the beginning of the month could also bring up a tension between input and output highlighting your desire for peace and quiet versus the pressure and responsibilities you put on yourself to succeed in the world.
Although this could be a busy period, you may also feel the need to structure your time in a way that helps you focus on the essential. Venus in Leo moving retrograde may find you assessing social-media usage and the other channels you use for self-expression. The ways you communicate with others and what you want to share could be changing and its ok to give yourself some time to listen to your inner compass. As your perception of the world changes, who you want to connect and share with may also undergo a period of revaluation. New friendships may emerge at this time while old alliances disappear but this should feel like a natural and enriching process.
From the 8th to the 10th, peace and tranquility could be more important for you, during this second week of August, as your ruler Mercury in Virgo trines expansive Jupiter in Taurus implying optimism. Venus in Leo simultaneously forming a square with Uranus in Taurus brings surprises and could highlight inner tension with a need to manage your stress.
The Venus Cazimi on the 13th is an important moment when Venus in retrograde motion conjoins the Sun in Leo and signals the half-way point of Venus’s retrograde cycle. This conjunction takes place in the communication sector of your chart and
The New Moon in Leo taking place a few days later on the 16th signals the beginning of a fresh cycle in relation to writing, speaking and the ways you express and apply bigger concepts you have learned into practical forms. The New Moon squares Uranus which brings surprises and unexpected enlightenment. This could also manifest as a need to innovate or revolutionize how you exchange with your entourage and the way that you do things in general.
The week of August 21st could bring heightened inspiration especially for creative projects but there is the potential to take on more than you can chew as Venus in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus on the 22nd. Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on the same day is a cue to pay attention to where your energy investments are going as it could be easier than usual to feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities.
Although you may feel a renewed sense of inspiration around this time, the Sun’s entry into Virgo on the 23rd coincides with Mercury stationing retrograde in Virgo on the same day which may take you into a broader reform over the following weeks. Mercury stations direct on September 15th, and finally escapes its retrograde shadow on the 29th, and this next month will therefore likely be a reflective time of reevaluation and introspection. The sign of Virgo corresponds to your sector of home and family, and much could be taking place behind the scenes during the second half of August and through September with logistics at home and in your immediate surroundings. The later part of the current month could also be a good time to organize your space and environment so that you can work more efficiently.
From the 26th to the 27th, the annual opposition between the Sun and Saturn takes place on the Virgo-Pisces axis which highlights the tension between your flow and the habits, patterns or external things that constricts it. Mars also enters Libra on the 27th which may relieve some of the tension you might be feeling in the following weeks. However, by the end of August, you may experience a contrast between your ambitions and a desire to simplify your life, alleviate your load and focus on what you love.
The Full Moon in Pisces on August 30th culminates in your vocational sector and forms a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. Although you could feel compelled to focus on what you don’t want to do anymore, especially in your career, it could be a good opportunity to instead acknowledge your recent achievements and your progress.
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