Gemini Horoscope for December 2020

Gemini Horoscope for December 2020

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of difficulties much like the previous few, and with a difference, in that a complexly spiritual seed of progress emerges within the rubble of your old Order. Relationship in your life is greatly emphasized, and helps with this new evolutionary growth. It might be time to contemplate a new dawn, not only for the eventual ending of the Covid times, but also for a novel beginning in your own situation. That personal piece depends entirely on your being prepared to accept changes in your prospective plans and in your viewpoint; changes that are inevitable when you consider the ground that you have covered and the cliffs that you have had to climb in reaching the fragile plateau of this end of year period. Hopefully it is the better part of you that will have survived. You are forging new forms of self-expression, of community participation, as you articulate your vision for a better world and then begin the hard work of acting upon strictly that.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of December begins, sandwiched between two eclipses. The first one was a Lunar Eclipse which occurred on the 30th of November in your sign. This brings a lot of attention to all you Geminis, and is a magical time for you in general. You may be in the midst of reconnecting with your needs, your direction, and your ambitions, or find yourself being less willing to compromise. This eclipse is the first official one in Gemini but there will be more, continuing until the end of 2021. There is thus available over this coming year a lot of fresh energy for reinvention in your life. You may be more aware of the need to take care of yourself, your body, or look into reviving some form of physical discipline. The previous mid-November New Moon, in Scorpio, brought a fresh incentive to get more disciplined when it comes to your diet, your health, and your everyday routine. You may be in the midst of a total reshaping of the way you’ve done things until now with less time for people who crowd your space and give nothing in return. You want to be more productive and aligned with your life purpose and this is becoming increasingly possible as we move towards 2021.

Your ruling planet Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 1st, which could highlight important dialogues currently happening in your partnerships. In one way of thinking you have no choice, since you have to collaborate with others in some way, and this could initiate a new and more studied act of sharing. This represents an opportunity to invest thoughtful energy in important conversations that may have been simmering.

You could also be dealing with a lot of logistical elements in the first week of the month. Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on the 5th and 6th, which could have you fantasizing about a different career. Under this aspect you may have less patience for tedious work details that leave you feeling drained at the end of the day. You could be craving bigger, and greener pastures on which to invest your time and your energy. Confusion at work, or with someone you know well, is also possible as we head into the second week of the month. The Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces on the 9th could further indicate that someone is not being totally honest or there could be an element of deception in a situation. There might also be too many factors to contend with, and not enough straightforward information. This general confusion has the potential to create a little bit of chaos, although could also serve to reveal who are your true allies. Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on the 13th which could lead to even greater misunderstandings, being your chart ruler.

On December 14th the total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius occurs, which is a dramatic lunation, occurring as it does in your opposite sign, signifying, again, partners and your important relationships. This represents both a fresh start in this area and one culmination of ongoing transformation about the way that you pursue intimate connection. New ideas for future progress could come into your conscious awareness. A new relationship could be in the works, or else changes to existing ones. You may have to let go of old ideas or ways of behaving that have no purpose in your life anymore, because things are shifting and evolving. Since eclipses tend to influence you up to six months after their occurrence, it may be easier to see the changes that are currently taking shape with the passages of a few months more down the road.

The entry of Venus in Sagittarius the next day, on the 15th, could help smooth out misunderstandings that have occurred in the first half of December. Your mind could also be focused on the potential of something in the offing, transcending your current situation in some way, so that your gaze may be already set on 2021.

On December 16th, Saturn re-enters Aquarius where it will stay until March 2023. It initially entered Aquarius on March 21st, but only stayed here until the beginning of July. You may at that time have gotten a glimpse of things to come, and the themes which first surfaced around the Spring Equinox could appear again with this timing, Saturn’s official entry into Aquarius. Jupiter also enters the sign of Aquarius on the 19th where it will be for the next year. This is all leading up to their exact conjunction on the 21st. Aquarius being also an Air sign means that Saturn and Jupiter will bring a supportive trine to the sign of Gemini. This should help you advance in your chosen field and bring structural support for any big projects in the year ahead.

The Winter Solstice arrives on the 21st of December, when the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn. The Moon is at the beginning of Aries, in square, in her First Quarter. On the same day, the much anticipated conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn takes place in the sign of Aquarius which occurs in the sector of your chart referring to teaching and learning. These themes could be therefore greatly emphasized in the year to come.

Mercury also conjuncted the Sun in Sagittarius on the 19th before it enters Capricorn on the 20th. Mercury cazimi could finally bring insights regarding situations that first emerged at the beginning of the month. You might encounter an expected a piece of information you were waiting for, or an important message may come through.

Finally, on December 29th the Full Moon in the sign of Cancer might highlight recent decisions you’ve made around your financial situation or how you market yourself. There could easily be a sense of growth, and potential permeating the air as the year 2020 comes to a close. It is a good time to take stock of your accomplishments and prepare yourself for the new challenges on the horizon.

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