Gemini Horoscope for June 2015

Gemini Horoscope for June 2015

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You find yourself in the midst of an enlightening period of inner exploration, Gemini. Your concentrated learning curve from previous months continues in a more restrained way. You are likely to be intensely introspective at this time, because your ruler, Mercury, is retrograde in your sign nearly all month, changing to direct motion on the 11th and not escaping its retrograde shadow until June 26th. Meantime you are dealing with both the highs and lows of earthly existence. You could yet feel the need to escape into fanciful future visions, and also the urge to be fully present, responsible to the practical concerns of life, refraining from floating away and instead remaining grounded in the here-and-now. It could feel like a struggle to simultaneously inhabit both of these points of view and yet it is rewarding if you can do just that.

As the month begins, you are strongly feeling the introspective nature of this time that has you deeply investigating every aspect of your life, from the standpoint of figuring it out. Your native curiosity, for which your sign is well known, is turned inward, and this can be beneficial to you — because as the classical Greek philosophers were fond of saying, self-knowledge is always a good thing. Simultaneously you are exercising your mind and your emotional body in a rather different way of seeing, because this month you are also delving into your depths in a non-rational way that involves mystical truth over facts, and feeling your way rather than navigating by means of rationality alone. This is symbolized in astrological terms by the highlighted presence of numinous Neptune in the tenth or career sector of your solar chart.

This planetary positioning of Neptune has been very active all this year, and so the movement within you has been one of adjustment to what seems antithetical to your logical approach. On the other hand, in another way it is eminently logical to believe what you cannot see if evidence might persuade you that it it there. Right now you are coming to a better understanding of this phenomenon, and as well recognizing that as far as your professional life, no path will work for you except the one that is in alignment with what your heart truly desires. This kind of currency is better than money. To accept the nature of this kind of soul-level commitment implies learning to live with paradox, the idea that truth comes from a form of deep realization that cannot be rationally expressed, at least not entirely. This has to do with probing below the surface layers of your personality for the gold of inner meaning.

This month, too, is suffused with the presence of another important astrological archetype, that of Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Chiron is also prominently located in the tenth sector of your chart, and bolstered during this monthly cycle by a close New Moon aspect from expansive Jupiter, and by a square from the June 16th New Moon in your sign. You might encounter situations that cause reactivity to emerge from deep within you, and if so, your task is to attempt to discern the underlying cause, remembering that you are never angry for the reason that you think you are. You are identifying the places within you where reactivity starts, which benefit enormously from being recognized. As you cast the light of conscious awareness upon these places, your simple witnessing of the repetitions of your behavior will prove to be extremely useful in sorting out what you are actually up to at these deeper levels of your being.

There has been as well in recent months a tremendous focus on important partnerships in which you involve yourself or intend to participate. Your learning curve in this area of your life is huge. While one purpose of this month's introspective quality is to look within your psyche, thereby gaining a better understanding of who you really are, top to bottom, including these dark places within you, another lies outside of you. By means of loving presence you are recognizing the extent to which you are transforming in your connection to these deeper layers of your personality. Only when you can more completely accept every part of yourself, without reservations or negative reactions, will your relationships be truly healed.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMINI! Check out your Solar Return Report NOW- an amazing way to see into the coming year!

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