Posted on October 1, 2014 in Gemini
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is an intense and yet also reflective month for you, Gemini, as you head into the closing of a year of metamorphosis and renewed revelation. The beat for transformational change goes on, reviving somewhat from its summer hiatus and becoming more insistent. You are reflecting on where your life is currently headed and where your imagination may yet take you, while looking within for the formula to enable yourself to shuck old patterns. With the retrograde of Mercury, your ruler, you are taking a second look at your day-to-day habitual patterns, health regimens and creative self-expression with the idea of eventually establishing a closer fit with inner goals that transcend conventional thoughts and attitudes. You are coming closer to finding your own unique idealized vision for the future, in part by unraveling the lingering vestiges of past concepts that are no longer viable.
As the month begins, you are feeling the tidal pull of the recent New Moon, from one week ago, at the beginning of the last week of September, that took place in your self-expression sector. The way that you reach out to others around you has therefore gotten loads of juice lately and might be operating in some entirely different manner than ever before, as you evolve and grow in your understanding of yourself. This is a big month for you, one with many changes potentially in the offing, and this affects the manner of your outreach. All month long, as your ruler, Mercury, retrogrades through your sector of ordinary life, you are investigating vast realms within you that have more to do with your outer expression than you might initially recognize. The inevitable and laudable result of all your inner explorations is that you come across to others in a clearer and more integrated fashion.
With Jupiter in positive aspect to Mercury at the New Moon timing, your communication is sizzling. Further, anything that you think or say is also likely to be associated with deep process work as you can come to it, and as you are able to express this in writing or in conversation with your peers. There are important aspects all through this month to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, located in a prominent sector of your solar chat, reinforcing this possibility. Additionally, the retrograde of Mercury early in October, beginning in the sign of Scorpio, implies your psychological focus allowing more emphasis to the inside, as has been building for the past several years; this is the period of time that the powerfully transformative energies of Pluto have been active in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. You may have had the very natural tendency to minimize this important inner work, and yet the drumbeat for change is getting louder and more insistent to the point where you might no longer be able to ignore its call.
This call might well involve also your relationship with important others. This is indicated astrologically by the highlighted presence of Jupiter, your relationship sector ruler, in your communications sector. A process there has been growing in intensity also, and your intentions for relationship changes makes for a perfect fit with the depth explorations that are also currently going on for you. Any significant partners you are currently in relationship with provide an important reflection into your own process of awareness and growth. Also to be considered is that as you become more whole within yourself, the natural outcome is greater ease with current or potential partners in your life.
All these potent outer planet energies are coming on stronger during these next few months, with the current setting being one gateway into further and deeper changes for you personally, and for the surrounding society. This is especially so over the first half of October, when you might feel ideally called to step up to the manifest possibilities for yourself. As you rethink your place within the society that surrounds you, and your creative contribution to that larger circle, you are coming to conclusions that will eventually cause you to outgrow your pre-existing framework and launch out upon a wider sphere of activity.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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