Gemini Horoscope for February 2013

Gemini Horoscope for February 2013

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important month for you Gemini, and a rather strange one. You will be tested in ways that you had not fully imagined before now, and that mere logic does not give you the glimmer of a handle on, with important repercussions in the outer world of business and professional persona. A vague and subtle sense of spiritual purpose is slowly gaining ground over mundane concerns, and that is confusing to them. This becomes even more pronounced the last week of the month with the retrograde of Mercury through your career sector. You are striving as usual for the gold ring of achievement, but with a difference. Although somewhat preoccupied by run-of-the-mill issues and goals, you might also be able to say, with the poet, that "everything is holy now."

As the month begins, you are still reveling in the wake of the powerful Full Moon from the last weekend of the previous month. This activated two very different factors in your solar chart. Enthusiastic Jupiter, currently residing in your identity sector, is associated with a fundamental optimism that can see you through many difficult circumstances, while hard-working Saturn is to be found in your sector of day-to-day concerns, health and fitness, also soul purpose.

Saturn in this area provides focus, which gives you the concentration necessary to hunker down and put your shoulder to the wheel. You are likely more assiduously following up on your goals these days, whether of an exercise nature or at your workplace. You are also more fully intent on discovering what your life direction might encompass were you to roll in greater alignment with your actual soul purpose. Inner exploration, a necessary correlate to outer achievement, is symbolized as well by a strong Jupiter, and is definitely one vital key to this month's journeying.

With Neptune and a confluence of planetary energies, including your ruler, Mercury, strongly emphasized in your sector of career and professional life, you are also gearing up for activity in this area. Since Neptune is thus activated, there is a marked difference, beyond the concept of achievement appropriate to the cultural conditioning you have been taught in one way or another all your life long. A mystical attitude pervades your soul which feels more akin to other-dimensional realities than to the straight-up world of normality and corporate ladder advancement; a world that is conveyed by music and dance, poetry and high art. This can therefore be a confusing time if run-on-the-mill logic is the mental mode that you are working with. Your explorations in the career direction right now are literally out of the box.

This concentration on your outer world presence is thus colored by the mystical nature of the activated planetary energies invoked, including that of Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Old and largely dysfunctional patterns of behavior, likely stemming from early childhood trauma, could be up for you in the current time frame, and for the next month of March also. Mercury, being in retrograde motion over this period and conjuncting Chiron a total of three times, definitely makes for a strange and introspective seven or eight weeks. During this time you might not make as much headway as you would like to, in terms of outer accomplishment, but you could make even more significant progress on the inside.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 3rd, you are seeing things a bit differently. Information that has been coming your way from various sources both internal and external, has given you new ways to see the events that transpired during the preliminary parts of the current lunation cycle from mid-January. You are also seeing the recent events of your life increasingly from the standpoint of how they fit into a larger picture viewpoint of where you might ultimately be heading, and that, too, makes a significant difference.

The New Moon of late Saturday evening, February 9th, brings fresh energy to your sense of purpose, and gives you stamina for your long and unfolding journey into a greater degree of integration of all the varied parts of yourself. These are currently coalescing. You are fearless now in your pursuit of what you are really after, and are willing to go wherever it might lead you, that sense of your future calling. You don't know where you will end up but you can definitely understand that it will be someplace that you crucially need to go, and that it will be an entirely different place from where you started out.

With the First Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 17th, while remaining optimistic, you have come to a bend in the road, perhaps some unexpected difficulties to contend with that correspond to a recently perceived contrast between self and other or between public and private realities. Old patterns of early wounding could arise to trip you up, and if so, it rewards you mightily when you pay careful attention to these walled-off parts of yourself that are crying out for a sense of inclusion and a place at the table of your inner psyche.

The very potent Full Moon of Monday, February 25th, both energizes you and excites your sense of progress, although you might need to beware of over-reaching. You are seeking a greater sense of balance in your journey into wholeness and it is important that you stay aware of the holding back as well as the thrust forward. Mercury is now retrograde, and you are quite intent on re-examining nearly everything about your current life direction, especially in the area of public achievement, as you make your way forward.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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